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Jordan Pickford sips beer at boxing event with hundreds of fans only hours after Everton team-mate’s coronavirus fear


JORDAN PICKFORD was spotted sipping a beer at a boxing event in Durham just hours after an Everton team-mate showed symptoms of coronavirus.

An unnamed Toffees star was placed in quarantine on Friday amid fears he may have contracted the potentially life-threatening virus.

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Jordan Pickford was given the go-ahead by Everton doctors to watch boxing in Durham
Pickford was joined by new wife Megan Davison
Jordan Pickford didn’t appear to have a care in the world despite Everton’s coronavirus fear

Everton first suggested the entire squad would also be self-isolating, before later clarifying that just the one affected player was doing so.

Even so, fans were surprised to see Pickford, 25, with hundreds of other fans at a boxing event later that night.

The England goalkeeper sipped from a pint glass and was joined by pals, including wife Megan Davison, also 25, and son Arlo George, one.

Pickford – who earns £60,000 a week at Goodison Park – was also spotted rubbing his face and sticking his fingers in his mouth despite the NHS’ advice to avoid contact with the face for fear of spreading coronavirus.

However, Pickford later confirmed he HAD been given the go-ahead by Toffees medical staff to attend the event.

On Saturday evening, he confirmed in a statement: “Last night I attended a boxing event with my family.

“Recently my local boxing event had a fire, in conjunction with one of my sponsors we helped the club to get back on its feet by helping out.

“There are many young grassroot boxers training here and it helps the local community.

“I had made a commitment to them that I would attend the event and prior to going I spoke to the club doctor to ensure I was ok to attend.”


Pickford wed Megan earlier this month at a low-key celebration at a register office in Crewe – wearing ripped jeans and a baseball cap.

An onlooker said: “They didn’t dress to impress. It looked like they were out shopping. It sure wasn’t Premier League!

“After the photos, the whole wedding party got in a people carrier and left.”

But the pair were simply fulfilling the formal obligations of marriage before jetting off to the Maldives for their unofficial big day.

The wedding is set to happen at the end of the Premier League season, but coronavirus has now forced the top-flight to be suspended.

Jordan Pickford watched the evening of boxing in Durham
Jordan Pickford was seen fiddling with his mouth despite NHS advice
Pickford’s son Arlo George sat on his lap at times in the evening

There will be no action until April 4 at the earliest – and may not be able to be completed until July, with Euro 2020 tipped to be moved back a year.

In a radical switch-up, Premier League bosses are now set to meet on Thursday to discuss how best to react to the delay.

And the key focus appears to be handing Liverpool the league title and allowing Leeds and West Brom to be promoted, forming a 22-team division for 2020-21.

Five teams would then be relegated at the end of that season in order to return to the status quo.


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