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Alejandra Jimenez Stripped of Title By The WBC


By: Hans Themistode

The reign of WBC Super Middleweight champion Alejandra Jimenez was a short one. She has been officially suspended and stripped of the belt she won just a few short weeks ago. 

When the former Heavyweight titlist slimmed down her 200 plus pound physique, in order to get down to the 168 pound limit to take on then champion Franchon Crews-Dezurn, it was eye catching to say the least. Not only did Jimenez make weight easily but she looked to be in the best shape of her career. 

When the two met at the Alamodome, in San Antonio Texas, it was Jimenez who came out with a close but unanimous decision victory. 

It didn't take long for Crews-Dezurn to raise her concern over whether or not Jimenez was playing fair. While the former champ fell just short of calling Jimenez a cheater, you could easily read between the lines.

“It was different,” said Dezurn on Boxing Insider Radio. “I’ve fought around the world, remember I used to fight at Light Heavyweight as well. I’ve sparred men but it was different. Something was different that’s all I can say. I hit like a Heavyweight, I’ve done testing with USA boxing and I hit as hard as a man but some of the punches she was taking wasn’t normal.”

The assumptions of Crews-Dezurn turned out to be true as the Voluntary Anti Doping Association found something adverse in the sample’s provided by Jimenez following the fight. 

A suspension was inevitable, and it’s now been made official as she has been stripped of her title and provisionally suspended while they investigate the situation more in depth. 

“In light of the adverse finding, the WBC is provisionally suspending the WBC’s recognition of Alejandra Jimenez as WBC Female Super Middleweight Champion until the WBC’s investigation and adjudicatory process are finalized,” said a spokesman from the WBC. “The WBC has notified Ms. Jimenez and her team of the WBC’s provisional suspension. Also that it is affording Ms. Jimenez the opportunity to present her position to the WBC as part of the WBC Clean Boxing Program Protocol’s investigative process. Throughout its investigation, the WBC has extended and will afford, Ms. Jimenez and her team the opportunity to present any available information and materials. Any exculpatory evidence they might deem appropriate.”

When both Franchon Crews-Dezurn and Jimenez met in the ring, not only did the former champ lose her titles but she also lost her hair in a hard fought contest. The hair that she lost is gone and isn't coming back but as for her titles, there's a good chance that she could get the opportunity to regain them soon.

The post Alejandra Jimenez Stripped of Title By The WBC appeared first on BoxingInsider.com.


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