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Tyson Fury refuses to tell Frank Warren he was joining WWE which ‘p***ed’ promoter off who thought it was ‘bad idea’


TYSON FURY revealed he did not tell Frank Warren about his WWE stint and admitted the promoter was “p***ed” with the move. The unbeaten heavyweight has featured on both SmackDown and Raw building a feud with former tag-team champion Braun Strowman. Fury makes his in-ring WWE debut on October 31 at the Crown Jewel pay-per-view […]

TYSON FURY revealed he did not tell Frank Warren about his WWE stint and admitted the promoter was “p***ed” with the move.

The unbeaten heavyweight has featured on both SmackDown and Raw building a feud with former tag-team champion Braun Strowman.

Tyson Fury revealed UK promoter Frank Warren was not aware of his WWE move

Fury makes his in-ring WWE debut on October 31 at the Crown Jewel pay-per-view in Saudi Arabia facing off against 6ft 8in Strowman.

But the Gysy King told ESPN, with pro wrestling legend Triple H next to him, that his UK promoter Warren was in the dark about the move.

Warren feels the WWE cameo is a “bad idea” with the Brit set to rematch WBC champion Deontay Wilder next year coming off 47 stitches needed after his last win, against Otto Wallin in September.

Fury said: “He was mad, quite p****d to be fair.

“He said to me, ‘I think this is a really bad idea, you could get injured. Braun Strowman is a massive guy. What happens if the cut reopens? What happens if you get injured shoulders or legs or whatever?’

“I said, ‘This is a risk that, what happens if I go out the front door and get run over by a bus in the morning?’

“If we lived our lives on ‘what if’ we would never do anything in our lives.

“I think you gotta take the bull by the horns and get up there and enjoy it because, like I say, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.”

Despite Warren’s surprise, Fury’s US promoter – veteran Top Rank chief Bob Arum – was a big part in the deal and helped agree terms with WWE boss Vince McMahon.

McMahon and Arum have a history, dating back to 1974 when the pair promoted the Evel Knievel jump over the Snake River Canyon.

WWE are set to help boost interest in Fury’s rematch with Wilder next year, as their SmackDown broadcaster Fox will team up with ESPN to televise a joint PPV for the heavyweight clash.

And despite the Gypsy King’s team pleading with him to focus on The Bronze Bomber, the ex-unified champion insisted he cannot be influenced to walk away from showcasing his showmanship.

Maverick Fury said: “It’s surreal for me and to go backstage and meet Hulk Hogan and all the rest of the guys, [The] Rock and everybody.


“It’s been a fantastic thing for me and it was an opportunity that I did not want to slip.

“But Frank – along with my management team, trainer, father, brothers – everybody was like, ‘Concentrate on your job. You are not a showman, you are not a movie star.’

“I was like, ‘Try telling me that.’”

US promoter Bob Arum helped put Fury’s WWE stint together with Vince McMahon
Getty Images - Getty
WBC champion Deontay Wilder and Fury are set to rematch next year
Getty Images - Getty


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