
Новости за 11.12.2017

FDA Plans New Medical-Device Approval Processes


The Food and Drug Administration plans new medical-device approval processes to speed products’ entry to the U.S. market, mirroring the desires of industry and President Donald Trump to clear barriers to new business.

Icahn to Nominate Four to Xerox Board


Xerox said that former Icahn Capital Managing Director Jonathan Christodoro resigned from its board so that investor Carl Icahn’s organization could nominate four directors at Xerox’s annual meeting in 2018.

European Finance Chiefs Hit Out at U.S. Tax Plans


Europe’s five largest economies warned the U.S. its planned corporate tax reform could violate the country’s double-taxation treaties and breach world trade rules.

Duterte Presses for Another Extension of Martial Law in Philippines


Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte asked legislators to extend martial law on the southern island of Mindanao for a year, sticking with a policy he said was necessary to fight Islamic extremism despite vehement opposition from rights groups.

'The Shape of Water:' The Creature Feature That Goes All the Way


Can an audience suspend disbelief and believe that a human and a creature can fall in love; both emotionally and physically? That was the challenge for director Guillermo Del Toro, whose latest film "The Shape of Water" was inspired, in part, by classic monster movies such as "The Creature From The Black Lagoon." Images: Everett Collection Composite: Mark Kelly

‘The Shape of Water’: The Creature Feature That Goes All the Way


Can an audience suspend disbelief and believe that a human and a creature can fall in love; both emotionally and physically? That was the challenge for director Guillermo Del Toro, whose latest film “The Shape of Water” was inspired by classic monster movies such as “The Creature From The Black Lagoon.” Images: Everett Collection Composite: Mark Kelly

Treasury Says GOP Economic Agenda Would Pay for Tax Cuts


Treasury Department said the Republican economic agenda would generate enough economic growth to pay for the tax cuts being considered by Congress, using growth assumptions exceeding the official congressional estimates.

Disney Deal for Fox Would End Era of the 'Big Six' Studios


Walt Disney would likely significantly scale back Fox’s movie studio if the company nails down a deal to buy most of the assets of 21st Century Fox, as part of Chief Executive Robert Iger’s plan to transform the company into a direct-to-consumer digital powerhouse to rival Netflix.

Meet Your New Boss: An Algorithm


Traditional employers like General Electric are using artificial intelligence and other elements of the work-on-demand business model to manage traditional full-time workforces.

Retailers Help Shoppers Do the Markdown Math


Department stores and other retailers have a gift or two for discount-weary holiday shoppers: they have been scaling back overlapping promotions and making price reductions easier for customers to understand.

Putin Declares Victory in Surprise Visit to Syria


Russian President Vladimir Putin paid a surprise visit to a military air base in Syria, marking a mission-accomplished moment for the leader months ahead of a presidential election.

Netanyahu Calls on Palestinians to Advance Peace


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called on Palestinians to accept Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, saying that was the best way to advance serious peace talks.

Trump Picks Korea Expert as Ambassador to Seoul


The Trump administration will nominate as ambassador to Seoul a prominent Korea expert who favors a tough line on Pyongyang, filling a yearlong vacancy at the front lines of President Donald Trump’s biggest foreign-policy challenge.

Steinhoff Seeks to Shore Up Finances With Extra Advisers


Steinhoff has appointed additional outside advisers as the retail giant battles a burgeoning financial crisis that has engulfed the firm since it disclosed possible accounting irregularities last week.

Музыкальные новости
Егор Крид

Все возможно: Загитова рассказала об отношениях с Кридом

Персональные новости

Предприниматель ввез в Тульскую область 32 тонны карантинных яблок из Беларуси

SoftBank to Invest More in OneWeb


Japan’s SoftBank Group has agreed to invest roughly $500 million more in satellite broadband provider OneWeb, according to a person familiar with the details.

Спорт в России и мире

Новая форма принесла успех хоккеистам «Торпедо» в столице


Все новости спорта сегодня

Новости тенниса

Арина Соболенко уверенной победой стартовала на Итоговом турнире WTA


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Экология в России и мире

Ритм мегаполиса в коллекции Marfa Fedorova на Московской неделе моды

Путин в России и мире

Путин возложил цветы к памятнику Минину и Пожарскому в День народного единства

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Зеленский поздравил Санду с победой по телефону и пригласил в Киев

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Фрэнк Синатра

Умер продюсер Куинси Джонс, работавший с Джексоном и Синатрой


Министр Лаоса станцевала «Калинку» на концерте в честь Дня народного единства

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