
Новости за 05.12.2016

Nerve Treatment When Drugs Fail


To help migraines, rheumatoid arthritis and other conditions, scientists try stimulating the vagus nerve, the same part of the nervous system activated by breathing exercise during meditation.

Ford Taps Debt Markets


Ford Motor is seeking to raise about $2 billion in new long-term financing for the automotive business, as the company tapped debt markets for the first time in nearly four years to fund a core auto-making operation looking to invest in new technologies.

Libyan Forces Claim Full Control of Sirte


Libyan forces said they had driven Islamic State from the last neighborhood under its control in the port city of Sirte, declaring full control of the terror group’s onetime Libyan stronghold.

Greek Court Rejects Turkish Extradition Request


An appeals court on Monday rejected Turkey’s request to extradite the first three of eight military officers who fled to Greece in the wake of the failed coup attempt in their country, officials said.

Renzi Resignation Will Usher in Uncertainty


Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi is expected to resign Monday, bringing down a government determined to overhaul the country’s sluggish operations and opening a period of political and economic uncertainty.

When Is It OK to Brag?


When you are on a job interview, boasting can make you seem confident. If you’re on a date, it can come across as arrogance. New research shows when it works.

Trump Blasts China Over Economic, Military Stance


President-elect Donald Trump took to Twitter to criticize China over its economic and military policies. China’s Foreign Ministry’s response to the tweets suggested that Beijing had made its displeasure known directly to Mr. Trump’s team. Photo: Getty Images

Review: Oculus Touch Gives VR a New Dimension


Oculus may be late with VR motion controls, but its new $200 pair of controllers is the best yet. Nathan Olivarez-Giles explains why Touch gets a thumbs up. Photo/Video: Emily Prapuolenis/The Wall Street Journal

Under Armour Signs Deal to Supply MLB Uniforms


Under Armour signed its first deal to supply uniforms for a major professional sports league, inking a 10-year deal with Major League Baseball that begins with the 2020 season.

Музыкальные новости
Валерий Леонтьев

Леонтьев вернулся в Россию из США ради концерта Крутого

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В аэропортах Шереметьево, Домодедово и Жуковский сняли ограничения

Startup Din Struggled to Stay Afloat


Meal-kit maker Din made $1.5 million in 2015 selling meal subscriptions to its service, which provided ingredients and recipes inspired by popular San Francisco restaurants. Din closed Oct. 21, unable to break even while working to win back customers.

WSJ City: Bain Says Think Again Before Investing in Western Europe


Thinking of making new investments in Western Europe? The advice from one management consultancy is blunt: don’t. Warning of the likely break-up of the European common currency, Bain & Co has advised its clients to freeze new investments and manage down exposures if possible. “This is one of the few times when it will likely pay to take a step back,” it said in an unpublished note to clients seen by The Wall Street Journal.

What Happens After Italy's Matteo Renzi Quits?


Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi announced his intention to resign after Italians rejected his proposed constitutional reforms in a referendum Sunday. So what happens now? WSJ's Niki Blasina explains three things that could happen. Photo: AP.

Спорт в России и мире

Radio Tapok перенесет зрителей в атмосферу легендарных баталий


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Новости тенниса

Финал теннисного Итогового турнира WTA пройдет без первой ракетки мира Соболенко


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Экология в России и мире

«‎Это массовое убийство»: МВД получило депутатский запрос из-за отравлений собак догхантерами

Путин в России и мире

Путин повысил судью, вынесшей приговор педиатру Надежде Буяновой

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

«Никто кроме Лукашенко»: Ещё один кондидат снялся с выборов президента Белоруссии

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Боррель пообещал Киеву закончить поставку 1 млн снарядов к концу года

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Здоровье в России и мире

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Певица Светлана Савинова встретилась со школьниками из Подольска


Экипаж российского самолета увидел десятки НЛО над Москвой

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