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Forget The Galaxy Z Fold 6 – Samsung’s First Rollable Phone Could Land Next Year

(Image credit: Lance Ulanoff / Future)

Editor’s Note: This article originally appeared on TechRadar.

Samsung more than any other company has pushed foldable phones into the mainstream, with its latest models – the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 6 and the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 6 – being among the best and most polished foldable yet. But next year, the company might change its focus to a new type of phone – one that rolls.

This is according to the South Korean site The Elec (via NotebookCheck), which claims that Samsung is working on a phone with a 12.4-inch rollable screen and that this handset may apparently be launched in the second half of 2025.

The site additionally claims that it will have an under-display camera, so you get an uninterrupted display. That much at least is very believable, since Samsung has already equipped some of its phones with under-display cameras.

So, will we truly get a tablet-sized rollable phone from Samsung next year? It’s certainly possible. The technology for this already exists anyway, as we’ve seen rollable concept phones in the past. This is also a logical next step after foldable phones, which Samsung has arguably come close to perfecting at this point.

The Race to Roll

(Image credit: Huawei)

Plus, Huawei recently launched a tri-fold phone, which is a design Samsung doesn’t yet offer, and which allows for a much larger screen than a conventional foldable phone, in this case one of 10.2 inches. Since Samsung wasn’t the first to offer that design, it could make sense for the company to instead look to be the first with a commercially available rollable phone, packing an even larger screen.

On the other hand, we haven’t heard much about Samsung’s possible rollable phone yet, and the second half of 2025 is still a long way off, so we wouldn’t yet count on seeing it then, if at all.

If such a device does launch, though, it may well do so alongside the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 7, which we’d still expect Samsung to launch, since the company has found success with foldables. That could mean an announcement in July, but that’s just speculation for now.

About the Author
James Rogerson is a freelance phone, tablet, and wearables writer and sub-editor at TechRadar. He has a love for everything ‘smart’, from watches to lights, and can often be found arguing with AI assistants or drowning in the latest apps. James also contributes to 3G.co.uk, 4G.co.uk, and 5G.co.uk and has written for T3, Digital Camera World, Clarity Media, and others, with work on the web, in print and on TV.

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