It is getting tougher for H-1B visa holders to switch jobs. Even if the new job is similar, the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), in several cases, has denied the application by the new employer on various grounds. The most common reason for denial is that the new position does not constitute a ‘specialty occupation’.
A week after serial explosions ripped through Sri Lanka, the President’s office on Sunday banned any “covering of face” to conceal identity. President's office said covering the face in order to avoid the identification of a person will be banned with effect from Monday to ensure public safety. Sirisena took the decision under the Emergency Regulations.
The Indian armed forces will conduct a major cyber exercise this week which will include scenarios connected to cyber attacks on critical Indian infrastructure like strategic networks and power grids. Cyberex is the first such major joint exercise of the Army, IAF and Navy, under the aegis of integrated defence staff,” a source said.
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