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Chrissy Teigen celebrates 50 days of sobriety: 'My longest streak yet'


In an Instagram post, the cookbook author spoke about her "sobriety streak" after experiencing "a few (wine) hiccups in the road."

Chrissy Teigen in September 2019.
Chrissy Teigen celebrated 50 days of sobriety.
  • Chrissy Teigen celebrated 50 days of sobriety after having "a few (wine) hiccups in the road."
  • In an Instagram post, the cookbook author said that alcohol "no longer serves me in ANY way."
  • Teigen has previously spoken candidly about why she chose to focus on her sobriety.
  • Visit Insider's homepage for more stories.

Chrissy Teigen celebrated a milestone in her sobriety by sharing a video of herself and her children.

"Today is my 50 day sobriety streak! It should be nearly a year but I had a few (wine) hiccups in the road. This is my longest streak yet!" Teigen captioned a post shared on Instagram on Saturday.

The 35-year-old cookbook author continued: "I still dunno if I'll never drink again but I do know it no longer serves me in ANY way. I don't get more fun, I don't dance, I don't get relaxed. I get sick, fall asleep and wake up sick, having missed what was probably a fun night."

A post shared by chrissy teigen (@chrissyteigen)

Teigen said that although her relationship with alcohol has changed, she doesn't judge others for indulging.

"I had my fun with it and appreciate anyone that can enjoy it responsibly!!!!" she wrote.

Teigen concluded by giving context for the accompanying video posted on Instagram, which showed her and John Legend's kids, Luna and Miles, interrupting her during a workout.

"This is also my third day this week working out which is unheard of for me, and my bears are notttt making it easy but loving @movewithnicole on YouTube!!" she said.

chrissy teigen 2019
Chrissy Teigen recently opened up about her sobriety.

This isn't the first time the model has spoken candidly about her sobriety.

In 2017, Teigen reflected on "drinking too much" at one point.

"I got used to being in hair and makeup and having a glass of wine," she told Cosmopolitan. "Then that glass of wine would carry over into me having one before the awards show. And then a bunch at the awards show. And then I felt bad for making kind of an ass of myself to people that I really respected. And that feeling, there's just nothing like that. You feel horrible. It's not a good look for me, for John, for anybody."

In December 2020, Teigen posted a video of herself dancing and revealed that she was four weeks sober. In a separate post, she spoke about receiving Holly Whitaker's self-help book titled "Quit Like a Woman: The Radical Choice to Not Drink in a Culture Obsessed With Alcohol."

"I was done with making an ass of myself in front of people (I'm still embarrassed), tired of day drinking and feeling like shit by 6, not being able to sleep," she said. "I have been sober ever since and even if you can't see yourself doing it or just plain don't want to, it is still an incredible read."

The following month, she tweeted about her experience being sober while in DC with her family for Inauguration Day.

"Just incredible to be here. Sober," she said. "I know that's weird but it's like...a different world for me. Everything is new and better."

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