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Woman says she was 'harassed' and removed from an Alaska Airlines flight over her outfit


The woman said she was approached three separate times about her outfit before being kicked off the flight.

Alaska Airlines Boeing 737 Max
An Alaska Airlines Boeing 737 Max.
  • Ray Lin Howard claimed on TikTok that she was kicked off an Alaska Airlines flight over her outfit.
  • She said she was asked to change shirts by flight attendants and complied.
  • Howard claimed she was approached by staff three separate times.
  • Visit Insider's homepage for more stories.

A woman claimed that she was "harassed" and kicked off an Alaska Airlines flight over her outfit.

Ray Lin Howard, a musician known as Fat Trophy Wife, uploaded a video to her TikTok account that's garnered more than 1.3 million views so far.

In the video caption, Howard claimed that an Alaska Airlines flight attendant "harassed and called the airport police" on her for wearing an "inappropriate outfit."

Footage shows Howard being escorted off the plane before sitting down with authorities to recount the events.


@alaskaair Flight attendant harassed and called the airport police on me for my inappropriate outfit. ##bbw ##plussize ##plussizeedition ##bbws ##fyp

♬ original sound - Trophy

"I was harassed about my outfit," Howard apparently tells police officers in the video. She claims that she was approached by staff because she wore a grey top that showed her stomach. Howard appears to tells the officers that she put on another shirt when staff initially asked her.

"And then they approached me again," Howard says in the video. "Saying that I can't wear this because my stomach is showing and it's inappropriate."

Howard claimed that flight staff approached her on three separate occasions, and on the third time, she told them, "If you're going to kick me off, kick me off. I've done what you've asked me to do."

A police officer can be heard telling Howard that she's not in any criminal trouble but pointed towards Alaska Airlines' dress policy.

According to the Alaska Airlines website, the airline's dress code is "casual, and the requirement is simply a neat and well-groomed appearance. Clothing that is soiled or tattered and bare feet are never acceptable. You are expected to use good judgment, but customer service agents will have the final authority to refuse travel for inappropriate attire or appearance."

Howard later shared a second TikTok video that showed what she was wearing on the flight.

A third TikTok video was uploaded to her account, where she claimed that Alaska Airlines contacted her about the flight. Howard said that the airline refunded her money for the three seats she purchased and offered a discount code to use on a future purchase.

Howard and Alaska Airlines representatives did not immediately respond to Insider's request for comment.

Airports and airlines have made headlines for several mishaps in recent months.

Earlier this month, a woman said on TikTok that an Alaska Airlines flight attendant shamed her for her outfit. Another instance involved a woman being escorted off of a Spirit Airlines flight for lighting a cigarette and blowing smoke into an asthma sufferer's face.

One woman on TikTok claimed that American Airlines lost her two cats on a flight from Los Angeles to New York City.

Read the original article on Insider


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