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6 of the world's most stunning lighthouses where you can spend a vacation


From Hawaii to Sri Lanka, here are six of the most stunning lighthouses in the world where you can stay the night.

galle lighthouse in sri lanka
  • While some lighthouses are still manned, many have been repurposed to act as accommodation.
  • If you're a fan of unusual places to vacation, you might like to try staying at a lighthouse.
  • Here are six lighthouses available on Booking.com.
  • Visit Insider's homepage for more stories.

Lighthouses guided sailors for centuries, but they're also the best spot for viewing sunrises.

There are 21,600 lighthouses in the world, of which fewer and fewer are inhabited.

Many lighthouses are no longer manned by people and are now automated, so many of them have been repurposed converted into hotel accommodation.

Booking.com has six stays on offer near or inside some of the world's most impressive lighthouses.

Tower of Hercules, A Coruña, Spain

A CORUÑA, GALICIA, SPAIN - OCTOBER 20: The Tower of Hercules, on 20 October, 2014 in A Coruña, Galicia, Spain. As every August 7 is celebrated the World Lighthouse Day, a holiday aimed to promote the care and preservation of a construction that has helped in the safety and guidance of sailors since ancient times. Since its construction by the Romans, the lighthouse now known as the Tower of Hercules was a noteworthy monument. Its singularity made the Tower become the symbol of the city of A Coruña, being assumed by all its neighbours and institutions. Now, the oldest functioning lighthouse in the world, which illuminated thousands of people with its presence or its light during the hundreds of years of its existence, is a World Heritage Site. (Photo By M. Dylan/Europa Press via Getty Images)

The Tower of Hercules is the oldest operating lighthouse in the world and was built almost 2,000 years ago by the ancient Romans.

The monument, which is situated on the northwest coast of Spain, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site - you can stay very close to it in the Blue Ocean Penthouse, which offers 360-degree views of the lighthouse.

Fanad Head Lighthouse, Letterkenny, Ireland

Fanad Head Lighthouse. Co. Donegal, Ireland. - stock photo

Miles of rugged coastline surround this spectacular lighthouse, where you can always hear the waves crashing against the rocks in the background.

The Fanad Lighthouse in Ireland's County Donegal is the perfect place to stay if you're in the mood for a movie night.

The accommodation is run by a local non-profit organization and has three houses that were once home to lighthouse keepers.

Galle Lighthouse, Galle, Sri Lanka

galle lighthouse in sri lanka

You'll find Sri Lanka's oldest lighthouse within the walls of Galle Fort.

Although the original was built in 1848 by the British, the current lighthouse was completed in 1940 after a fire destroyed the original, and was named a UNESCO World Heritage Site along with the rest of the fort in 1988.

Villa Aurora, a beautiful house across the street from the lighthouse, is the perfect place to spend a few days, as it has direct views of both the lighthouse and the Indian Ocean.

Chania Lighthouse, Crete, Greece

Venetian Lighthouse at Chania, Crete, Greece - stock photo

Chania's Venetian lighthouse dates back to the late 16th century and is one of the oldest in the world.

If a stroll along the quayside to the lighthouse is not enough, you can stay at the Ambassador's Residence Boutique Hotel which is located next to the town's old harbor in a restored 1890s villa.

Pigeon Point Lighthouse, Fishmonger, California, United States

Pigeon point lighthouse.California.

Pigeon Point Lighthouse was built in 1871 to help ships avoid a particularly rocky and treacherous spot on California's Pacific coast.

The original lighthouse keepers' houses at the base of the lighthouse were completely renovated and transformed into a lodge where you can now stay - the lodge offers spectacular 360-degree views and the opportunity to for a bit of whale-spotting.

Diamond Head Lighthouse, Honolulu, Hawaii, United States

Diamond Head Lighthouse, originally built in 1899, is one of the best-known lighthouses in the Pacific.

It stands in the shadow of Diamond Head, a large volcanic ridge on the southern tip of the island of O'ahu, on the eastern side of Waikiki Beach.

The lighthouse is on the National Register of Historic Places, and you can spend a night close by at the Lotus Honolulu at Diamond Head - the accommodation offers stunning views of the lighthouse and is just steps from Kaimana Beach.

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