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Watch the devastating moment Kristina breaks down in tears and storms out after reunion with Kieran


MARRIED At First Sight’s Kristina has pulled on the heartstrings of fans after she broke down in tears during an emotional reunion with Kieran.

Kristina came face-to-face with her ex-husband as the couples were brought back together for a special dinner party in the E4 show.

MAFS star Kristina was left in tears after reuniting with her ex Kieran[/caption]
Kieran ended his married with Kristina earlier in the series
Kristina cried to her girl pals while talking about her feelings for Kieran[/caption]

But the dog walker found her emotions getting the better of her once Kieran entered the room.

The pair sat and had a brief chat, before Kristina began to cry.

She told her ex husband: “I have really struggled. I feel like now I’m still just trying to adjust.

“I still pinch myself where I think, I was married. Do you know what I mean?”

Kieran told Kristina: “I think I’m quite numb.”

She then asked if he was “ever 100 per cent in it”, adding: “I feel it hasn’t really left an impact on you.”

Kieran told his ex wife: “Just because I don’t get as emotional as you, doesn’t mean that I’m not feeling anything. It’s sad for me.”

Kristina started to cry as she said: “I feel like I put my life on the line for you but nothing stands out for you.”

She then stormed out of the room, closely followed by her girl pals.

Sitting out the back, Kristina told Emma, Sacha and Lacey: “I don’t want to cry.

“He’s so f***ing forgetful. What did this journey mean to you? Because it meant the f***ing world to me.”

Kieran was shown looking concerned before admitting: “I’ve got to watch how I tread. I hate seeing her upset, I hate it.

“I just feel bad for her, really f***ing bad.”

Once Kristina had calmed down, Kieran appeared and they sat down together for a chat.

He then tried to reassure his ex wife that he cares about her before apologising for upsetting her.

“If I didn’t care, I wouldn’t be here,” Kieran told her.

“I don’t want to see you upset. I just…I’m sorry you feel the way you feel.

“I’ve not given you the time you need or the attention you need and I’m sorry for that.”

Mafs couples that have stood the test of time

Loved-up Tayah Victoria and Adam Aveling of series six fame had the first Mafs baby.

The pair couldn’t keep their hands off each other on the programme and quickly found their feet in the outside world, moving into Adam’s Doncaster home.

Just 18 months after meeting, the couple welcomed their daughter Beau.

Season five couple Michelle Walder and Owen Jenkins also managed to make their marriage work away from the cameras and had their first child in December.

Teacher Michelle, 29, has no regrets about taking part in the experiment. She told us: “I just feel very lucky and thankful that it has worked out – and excited for everything to come.”

Michelle and Owen were both sick of dating apps when they applied in 2019.

Owen recalled: “I had been out for some drinks with a friend after work.

“While he was out for a cigarette I was scrolling on Instagram waiting for him to come back in.

“The MAFS advert was the last thing I saw, and I joked, ‘Wouldn’t it be funny if I signed up?’

“A few beers later when I was back at home I sent in the application, and the rest is history.”

Another couple to make Mafs UK history is Zoe Clifton and Jenna Robinson.

Despite a slight rocky start, where they clashed over Jenna’s vegan lifestyle, the show’s first same sex pairing are still going strong.

They even have a successful podcast together called Life With a Pod.

Jenna shed light on being involved in the show earlier this year when she told us: “We’re not legally married, and I never felt like we were. I definitely feel the process makes you take the relationship a lot more seriously and having the help of the experts… if you can survive that process it sets a firm foundation for a long-lasting relationship.”

Kristina and Kieran quickly became fan favourites when the 2024 series of MAFS UK kicked off.

However, Kristina soon starting struggling with the lack of intimacy in their relationship.

Kieran later made the heartbreaking confession that “the spark had gone” and they split during a commitment ceremony.

Meanwhile, Kristina was left crying for a second time during the reunion episode on Wednesday night.

Kieran admitted he had briefly dated someone new after their split.

One viewer wrote on X, formerly known as Twitter: “The fact he dated someone right after the experiment was over shows how little he cares about Kristina.”

Another added: “I really feel for Kristina man. She loved Kieran.”

And a third chimed in: “Ohh god I feel for Kristina.”

Kristina ran off and cried to her girl friends[/caption]
She told Kieran his reaction to their split upset her[/caption]
Channel 4
The couple’s marriage had begun well before hitting the skids[/caption]


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