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Claudio Ranieri makes shock AS Roma return aged 73 for third spell after Serie A side sacked Ivan Juric


CLAUDIO RANIERI has completed a shock retirement U-turn to return for a third stint as Roma manager, according to reports.

The legendary Italian, 73, took charge of the Serie A giants from 2009 to 2011 and then again in 2019.

Claudio Ranieri has returned to Roma for a third spell as manager
Ranieri made a U-turn on his retirement just six months after leaving Cagliari[/caption]

But he called time on his illustrious career in management when he left Cagliari at the end of last season.

However, it is understood he has agreed a deal to head back to the Stadio Olimpico dugout.

Fabrizio Romano tweeted: “Claudio Ranieri and his lawyers already signed all formal documents for his return to AS Roma as head coach.”

And the news is being widely reported within the Italian media.

News outlet Ansa asked Ranieri if he is a “tough nut to crack”.

He is quoted as replying: “That’s why they called me.”

He added when quizzed on the big turnaround job on his hands: “Ready! Our players are coming.”

Ranieri becomes Roma’s third manager of the season.

Daniele De Rossi, who took over from Jose Mourinho in January, was sacked just four games into the 2024-25 campaign and then the board axed Ivan Juric earlier this week.

Roma sit way down in 12th in the Serie A table following Sunday’s 3-2 defeat at home to Bologna.

That was their fourth loss in their last five league matches – including a 5-1 thumping at Fiorentina – and spelt the end for Juric after just 53 days and 12 games in charge.


Erik ten Hag was available for the Roma vacancy while Turkey national team boss Vincenzo Montella was considered but both were overlooked in favour of Ranieri.

The ex-Leicester boss reportedly held successful talks in London with Roma owner Dan Friedkin and his son Ryan on Wednesday, where they thrashed out the terms of his contract.

Ranieri’s his first match in charge will be a trip to Napoli on November 24 after the international break, before facing Tottenham in the Europa Leauge in North London four days later.

He will have to wait until December 2 before being greeted by his adoring home fans when Roma host Atalanta.

The veteran gaffer, a childhood Roma fan, missed out on both the Serie A title and the Coppa Italia in heartbreaking fashion to Mourinho’s Treble-winning Inter side in 2010.

He resigned in February 2011 after losing 4-3 to Genoa from 3-0 up.

In his brief comeback in March 2019 to see out the remainder of the season.

His outstanding achievement, though, will always be the iconic Premier League title win with 5,000-1 Leicester City in 2015-16.

The Dilly-Ding Dilly-Dong boss famously led the relegation-tipped Foxes to the unlikely triumph, finishing ten points clear at the top of the table and booking their spot in the Champions League.

Ranieri announced his departure from club management earlier this year after leading Cagliari – who he first managed in 1988 – to promotion to Serie A and then kept them in the top flight.

He had suggested Cagliari would be his final club team but remained open to international offers despite having a nightmare with Greece in 2014.

However, the lure of another spell at his beloved Roma was too much to resist.

Ranieri led Cagliari to promotion in 2023 then stepped aside at the end of last season[/caption]
The Italian won the Premier League with Leicester in 2015-16[/caption]


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