
My arm skin is like an ‘alligator’ – people recommended $12 buy claiming it transformed crepey texture in 2 months


A 63-year-old who is struggling with the dramatic changes to the skin on her arms has found an answer that won’t break the bank.

Skincare fans rushed to share their go-to anti-aging find for mature skin that helped them turn back the clock in record time.

Beauty lovers raved about their favorite anti-aging buy, which is formulated to combat crepey skin on the arms, chin, and neck (stock image)

Redditor Grindshow opened up about her skincare woes in a post shared on the 45 Plus Skincare forum.

“I’m 63 and [in] the past few months my forearms’ skin has dramatically changed — it’s seriously like alligator skin!” she wrote.

“Now it’s going up higher on my arms — it’s making me feel uncomfortable with short sleeves, it’s so bad!”

She explained that she had tried exfoliating in the shower and using both retinol and hyaluronic creams to no avail.

“After two months it’s just getting worse. I plan on seeing a dermatologist — but does anyone have any ideas what will actually help?” she asked.

The original poster added that she had tried several creams, including Gold Bond, but “nothing is helping.”

However, a few commenters insisted that the brand’s Gold Bond Age Renew Crepe Corrector Body Lotion was the way to go.

“Gold Bond crepe cream is the BEST,” one person wrote.

“I just discovered Gold Bond Crepe cream about two months ago, and I’m very happy with it,” another added.

It seemed that the more she covered herself in the cream, the better the outcome.

“I use it just on my upper arms, my chin, and neck,” she said.

“I have seen a difference. I’m 52 and going through perimenopause.”

The best part is that the anti-aging buy is also affordable.

The Gold Bond Age Renew Crepe Corrector Body Lotion is on sale for $11.37 on Amazon.

Anti-aging tips

*If you click on a link in this article, we may earn affiliate revenue.

  • Keep your skin hydrated internally by drinking water and externally with moisturizer.
  • Always use sunscreen, even if you’re not in direct sunlight.
  • Use Vitamin C to brighten the skin and don’t forget to apply to your neck.

The find is described as helping to reduce the appearance of crepey skin.

It is also meant for those looking to say goodbye to wrinkles.

Formulated with antioxidants, botanical and omega-fatty acids, it provides skin with moisturizing benefits.

Its combination of seven moisturizers and three vitamins will help to keep your body happy with 24 hydration.

The find has thousands of rave reviews from beauty fans.

Others shared their own tips for repairing older skin.

 “Use Veristol brand collagen supplements,” said one Redditor.

“I got arms like you suddenly at 45,” wrote another user.

“I just started using normal strength retinol on my arms at night – retinol reface and no exfoliating or other products in that zone and it cleared up completely,” they continued.

“Amlactin is my preferred lotion for this – doesn’t smell great but do it at night and the smell doesn’t stick around for me,” commented a Redditor.

“I have used Amlactin for years. Works,” another agreed.

“Also discovered CeraVe SA Cream which is thicker than Amlactin. I use both,” they added.

Amazon sells Gold Bond Age Renew Crepe Corrector Body Lotion, which gave one fan rapid results[/caption]


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