
Prince Harry leaves Meghan behind to fly to dangerous Nigerian ‘no-go zone’ despite kicking off over UK security fears


PRINCE Harry left Meghan behind to fly to a dangerous “no-go zone” in Nigeria – despite kicking off over UK security fears.

Harry travelled alone to a military hospital in the state of Kaduna, around 120 miles north west of Nigeria’s capital Abuja.

Prince Harry visiting a military hospital in Kaduna today
The Foreign Office advises against all travel to the Nigerian state
Harry and Meghan in Nigeria’s capital Abuja earlier this week
Harry left Meghan behind to visit Kaduna

The Foreign Office advises against all travel to Kaduna, where armed bandits abducted 2,000 people in 2020.

Harry toured six wards where Nigerian soldiers are being treated for injuries suffered in the battle against terror group Boko Haram.

Many of the soldiers had been ambushed or shot by terrorists – and some had lost limbs in bomb blasts.

Harry was flanked by a four-person security team plus an escort of ten army trucks and three pick-ups with mounted machine guns.

It comes after Harry lost his legal fight against the removal of his taxpayer-funded UK security in February.

The Sussexes were stripped of their round-the-clock protection when they stepped back from royal duties in 2020.

Harry said he was unable to return with Meghan, Archie and Lilibet to the UK “because it is too dangerous”.

Former royal protection officer Ken Wharfe questioned Harry’s visit to the “lawless” region.

He told the Mail: “You do have to question why he has gone there if he says the safety of his wife and children is uppermost.

“If the situation deems that level of protection, then you do have to ask why he is there.

“For him to say he feels unsafe in London when he has all that security in London does leave you asking does it make sense to go.”

While visiting the hospital, Harry said: “I’m sorry that I didn’t bring my wife.

“The focus here in Kaduna is the wounded, injured and sick men and women who serve in Nigerian forces and keep people safe.”

Before he left, hospital staff gave Harry two paintings – one of him with Meghan, and one of him with his mum Diana.

Meghan is understood to have had a private engagement and met up with Harry when he returned to Abuja.

What level of security protection are working royals entitled to?

A HANDFUL of working members of the Royal Family have 24/7 protection - but others are assessed on a case-by-case basis.

Senior officers are assigned to specific members of the household and are supported by others, one expert told The Sun.

He claimed will always be a minimum of one protection officer with a member of the Royal Family, but the protection team is increased according to threat and risk.

King CharlesQueen Camilla and the Wales’ family have round-the-clock protection and the monarch also has a corridor officer based outside his bedroom door, the expert said.

The Express reported the likes of Princess AnnePrince Edward and Sophie, Countess of Wessex are given protection when they are taking part in official engagements – but do not have taxpayer-funded security at their homes.

Prince Andrew had his taxpayer-funded security removed following the Jeffrey Epstein scandal.

His daughters Princess Beatrice and Prince Eugenie are said to not have funded security as they are not full-time working royals – and are employed elsewhere.

Robert Jobson, an award-winning royal author, explained: “According to a 1917 Letters of Patent issued by King George V, the title of HRH Prince or Princess is passed to ‘The grandchildren of the sons of any such sovereign in the direct male line (save only the eldest living son of the eldest son of the Prince of Wales) shall have and enjoy in all occasions the style and title enjoyed by the children of dukes of this realm.

“Both Harry and Meghan know this. Archie, on the other hand, did not qualify to become a prince automatically.

“In 2012, Queen Elizabeth II issued a Letters Patent to expand on a previous decree that granted such a title only to the eldest son of the eldest son of the Prince of Wales.”


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