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My hubby was excited to name our baby but people thought I was having a stroke when I told them how to pronounce it


NAMING your newborn can be tricky, as you and your loved ones may have extremely different opinions.

One expectant mum is struggling to change her husband’s mind after he chose the ‘worst name ever’ for their baby.

With her due date getting closer, the mum was worrying about her baby name[/caption]
The couple had been shocked when they discovered the baby’s gender[/caption]

Though the little one hasn’t arrived yet, they are already causing chaos.

Rather than try to hash things out with her husband though, the unnamed woman turned to Reddit for advice about the awkward situation.

Posting in the ‘Am I the A**hole’ subreddit, she explained that she’d originally been excited when her husband wanted to name their unborn baby.

“When we first started talking about names, the ‘boy name’ was immediately decided: Stuart Jr., after my husband. No problem there, it’s a classic name and carries family meaning,” she explained.

However, things became ‘murky’ when the couple discovered they were expecting a little girl.

Instead of giving up on the moniker or saving it for a baby boy, her husband decided to take an alternative approach.

“My husband suggested Stuarta. No, you’re not having a stroke,” she wrote, adding: “Apparently, his logic is that since Stuart ends in ‘t’, we can just add an ‘a’ to make it feminine.”

With only a few months until their little one arrives, the mum-to-be is desperate for her hubby to change his mind.

She also said that the name sounds like a ‘furniture brand’ and their daughter will have to spend the rest of her life ‘endlessly’ correcting people or telling them where her unusual name came from.

The mum-to-be also worried about the impact on her daughter’s self-esteem and potential bullying.

Sadly, her hubby is not backing down.

“He’s adamant though, says it ‘honors’ him while giving our daughter a unique name,” she told Redditors, adding that she’d even suggested alternatives.

The post continued: “Now, I love my husband dearly, and I understand wanting to honor family. But I can’t imagine subjecting our daughter to a lifetime of awkward stares and endless questions about her ‘unusual’ name.”

Unsurprisingly, the group had a lot of opinions about the potential baby name.

Despite the name usually being reserved for boys, the dad wouldn’t change his mind
SOPA Images/LightRocket via Gett
The mum turned to Reddit for help after her spouse refused to accept her alternatives[/caption]

One user even claimed that it was ‘misogynistic’ of the husband to get the final say, commenting: “Naming a child is a two yes and one no situation. This means you need two times yes for a name to be it and one no to make sure that name is not the name you choose.

They added: “It is a bit misogynistic to only want to name the baby after the father.”

“Stuarta is probably one of the worst I’ve ever heard,” complained another.

Others agreed and asked why the husband seemed so set on naming the little one after his family.

“I’m guessing the kids will have his last name, too. So why does he also get to name their first names after himself?” argued a third.

Some Redditors also suggested the little girl should be named after her mum, whilst her husband would later get to name a little boy.

“I suppose if you go by the meaning of the name, Stuart/Stewart means guardian of the House so perhaps Hestia/Vesta,” suggested a fourth.

With the due date getting closer and closer, we wonder what these parents will decide on.

The couple are still arguing over the name despite the due date not being far away[/caption]


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