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TheSun.co.uk (football)

Will Ferrell had Wrexham stars cracking up in physio room but he’s not the only A-list movie star we’ve met, says keeper


WREXHAM’S Hollywood fairy tale continued on Saturday as they were promoted to League One.

It came after a 6-0 battering of Forest Green Rovers and promotion rivals MK Dons dropping points confirmed they were going up.

Ferrell watched Wrexham alongside David Beckham and Ryan Reynolds in the 2022 FA Trophy final
Mark Howard (centre) says Will Ferrell cracked the team up[/caption]

The announcement that the Dons had lost prompted a massive pitch invasion and wild scenes at full-time.

It’s the Red Dragons’ second promotion on the bounce and represents the rapid progress the club has made since Ryan Reynolds and Rob McElhenney tookover the club in 2020.

Their Hollywood ownership and Disney documentary series has seen Wrexham become an unlikely tourist destination for celebrity fans looking to prove their football fan status.

Recently Hugh Jackman took a break from filming his new movie with Reynolds, ‘Deadpool and Wolverine’ to take in a game at the Racecourse.

Now Wrexham goalkeeper Mark Howard has revealed that the team had another Hollywood weapon up their sleeve in Will Ferrell.

He said the ‘Anchorman’ actor had the squad “cracking up” dressing room.

Speaking to OLBG, Howard, 37, said: “I’ve watched Ryan’s films. I had done that though before I joined Wrexham as I’m a big film buff. You watch Deadpool, these hugely popular films, but you don’t see him as this Hollywood superstar.

“There’s been a few famous faces I’ve met. Actors Charlie Day and Will Ferrell have come in. 

Players and fans alike celebrated their latest promotio on the Racecourse pitch[/caption]


“To meet Will was amazing. I remember myself and teammate Elliott Lee were in the physio room having some treatment and Will came in and we were soon cracking up.

“He’s so funny. Hugh Jackman also came in. We are quite used to it now with some A-list movie stars being at the game.

“At our away games we get rival fans or players asking if the owners are coming. They are a big pull for everyone.”

Howard’s interview comes after the players hit the town to separate their new status as League One players.

The players belted out songs and took selfies with fans as they enjoyed a boozy meal.

He also said the squad had heard rumours of a return to Vegas, where the club were flown to last year as a celebration for reaching League Two.

How Ryan Reynolds has been watching Wrexham games in style

CO-OWNER Ryan Reynolds hasn't been able to make it to Wrexham in recent weeks due to filming commitments.

But that hasn’t stopped him from watching his team in style.

Streaming the match on a laptop or even a TV was not grand enough for the Deadpool star as he worked on the set of his latest movie.

With a giant green screen behind him, he could not resist broadcasting Wrexham’s recent game on to the huge projector.

Reynolds and his crew watched on as the Welsh side notched their 23rd win of the season against Crawley Town.

He looked enamoured as the game played on behind him while surrounding by various pieces of Hollywood machinery.

And Reynolds captioned the moment: “Watching the Wrexham game at work: new level unlocked.”

It’s not clear what project Reynolds was working on at the time, with the actor currently developing several new movies including sequels to smash hits Free Guy and Red Notice.


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