
REPORT: Cubs Among Many Teams Scouting White Sox Closer Álex Colomé


Could the Cubs and White Sox agree to another big trade?

As the Cubs continue to search for bullpen help, specifically a lockdown closer, White Sox righty Álex Colomé is becoming a popular trade target. According to 670 The Score’s Bruce Levine, the Cubs are among many teams scouting the White Sox closer.

Via 670 The Score.

Colome is already garnering ample interest. As the White Sox hosted the Royals for a three-games series earlier this week, the Cubs, Phillies, Nationals, Mets, Diamondbacks and Yankees had scouts in attendance watching. What they saw was Colome at his best, as he won and saved games Tuesday in the White Sox’s sweep and then followed up with another save in his team’s victory Wednesday evening.

Of course, teams send scouts around the league all the time and they may be looking at several players. But it’s also obvious that several teams are desperate for bullpen help and that does include the Cubs.

Right-hander Pedro Strop is expected to come back from a hamstring injury soon and will be a boost to the Cubs bullpen, but even with his return the Cubs really need a few more arms to nail down the end of games.

From the perspective of the White Sox, there is a big difference between Colomé and other relievers they’ve traded in the past couple years. For one, the White Sox are far more competitive in 2019, and because the American League is so top heavy, they could sneak into the second Wild Card spot mix.

Entering play on Friday the White Sox sit two games behind the A’s and Red Sox for the second Wild Card spot. Yet, despite their current four-game winning streak, the White Sox do have serious question marks in their starting rotation. Will the lack of depth hold up in the next eight weeks to stay relevant in the Wild Card picture?

Also, Colomé is still under team control for one more year after 2019. He’s making $7.325 million this season and will get a raise in his final year of arbitration in 2020. The White Sox are under no pressure to find the best deal this season to trade him and they can just keep him and see if the team takes another step in the right direction in 2020. And then boom, they’re set with a pretty damn good closer. If not, they could just decide to trade him until next year.

So far in 23 appearances this season, Colomé has pitched 22.2 innings, allowing four runs on eight hits and five walks. He’s struck out 21 and is 11-for-11 in save opportunities. He has a 1.59 ERA and 0.57 WHIP.

Colomé saved 37 games in 2016 and 47 in 2017 with the Rays.

The Cubs have also reportedly shown interest in Blue Jays closer Ken Giles.

Basically any good reliever on a bad team will be contacted by the Cubs in the next two months. Right now, Álex Colomé remains an option.

It doesn’t necessarily mean Rick Hahn is trying to trade him, though, especially if the White Sox find themselves above .500 in the coming weeks.


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