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Some of the Best Sex Toy Deals to Check Out This Valentine’s Day


Even though it might be a little late to pull off ordering sex toys in time for a Valentine’s Day date night, it doesn’t mean you can’t take advantage of the sweet feast of love in other ways. In fact, some of our favorite companies and brands are celebrating the lovey-dovey season by offering deals and savings you can take advantage of leading up to and on V-Day (and some a bit after).

Have you been eyeing a cute vibrator that always felt a bit too extravagant a purchase at its regular price? Are you a collector and sex toy geek looking to expand your sexy horizons a bit more? Have you stumbled into this sex toy story having only ever played around with your bathtub faucet and want to explore some of your vibe-curious impulses? Look no further. We’ve rounded up a few of the deals and promotions for sex toy ahead of Valentine’s Day. Read on to see if there’s a toy or two that you’ll fall in love with.

Lovehoney is offering free delivery for Valentine’s day (only til 3pm EST on Thursday, February 13) when you spend $200 or more and up to 50 percent off on select items.

Lovehoney wand

In the market for an affordable wand vibe? Lovehoney’s deluxe, rechargeable wand is a pocket-size play on the classic wand design.

Lovehoney Womanizer Starlet

Womanizer’s super cool clitoral stimulators combine vibration and suction for a sensation that’s super close to oral.

Good Vibrations has a site-wide Valentine’s Day promotion to take $30 off any order that’s $99 or more!

good vibrations crave vesper
Good Vibrations.

Forever a rec from us, the Crave Vesper is a cool way to keep your vibe close to your heart (and get some sick jewelry out of the deal).

Luxury brand LELO is offering up to 40 percent off for Valentine’s purchases (including major savings on bundles!)


LELO vibes are a splurge themselves, but Mona 2 — a high-tech, smoothly-designed G-spot vibe that looks as good as it feels.


LELO’s gold and silver toys are luxe additions to anyone’s toy box. This remote-controlled vibe is small, discreet and super powerful.

Babeland is offering $25 off your Valentine’s order of $99 or more (with a few exclusions).


Leo Dildo

This is a pretty, comfy and best-selling dildo at Babeland (for good reason — it’s the right firm but-not-too-firm kind of silicone and a decent but-not-overwhelming size) that you can pick up, along with a few more picks, to get that $25 off.


Happy Rabbit Triple Vibrator

Embrace your inner multitasker with this triple vibe that does it all — clitoral, G-spot and anal stimulation in a sleek, chill design.

Even if your V-Day itself is uneventful, the shopping is very likely to keep you satisfied.

Our mission at SheKnows is to empower and inspire women, and we only feature products we think you’ll love as much as we do. Please note that if you purchase something by clicking on a link within this story, we may receive a small commission of the sale and the retailer may receive certain auditable data for accounting purposes. 



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