
Новости за 06.07.2016

Salvation Army Supports Gang Member’s Work at Prison


Lt Colonel Ian Hutson, Director of The Salvation Army’s Social Policy Unit today indicated support for Mr Ngapari Nui based on the contribution he is understood to have made at Whanganui Prison.

Jailed for child sex abuse pictures


A 35-year-old Christchurch man was today jailed for four years and two months on offences involving objectionable pictures of child sex abuse.

Surveillance Guru Appointed as Visiting Professor at VUW


Professor William Webster of the University of Stirling will be the NZ-UK Link Foundation’s first Visiting Professor to New Zealand. He is a recognised expert on the governance and regulation of privacy and data protection, and the implications and consequences ...

Feds support stance on GMOs by 107 world-leading scientists


As more than 100 world-leading and award-winning scientists voice their support of genetically modified organisms (GMOs), Federated Farmers continues to endorse farmers’ rights to decide what technologies are used on their farms.

Takaka Hill retaining wall construction set to start


The NZ Transport Agency is about to start work constructing two new retaining walls to help stabilise the hillside on the Nelson side of the Takaka Hill. Mark Owen, Regional Performance Manager, NZ Transport Agency says the work is important to ensure ...

Consultation begins on Geographical Indications regulation


Commerce and Consumer Affairs Minister Paul Goldsmith today announced the start of consultation on proposed regulations that will enable wine and spirit makers to register the geographical origins of their products.

Why not just waive the security checks?


Stuff reports: The Government is not ruling out intervening to keep planes in the air after threatened strike action by aviation security workers during the school holidays. Transport Minister Simon Bridges confirmed Cabinet was briefed on contingency plans to keep airport security checks going if mediation to avert the strike failed. While neither Bridges or Prime […]

Moko’s ‘Caregivers’ Had Huge Red Flags


Family First NZ says the revelations that the so-called ‘caregivers’ of Moko had extensive criminal records is further evidence that we are not taking child abuse serious enough and are not targeting the rotten parents that should be regularly ...

Windows 10 laptops still better than tablets


In hindsight most users agree Windows 8 was a stinker. Many thought so at the time. Windows 8’s reception so traumatised Microsoft the company drew a clear line under the operating system. To emphasise this, Windows skipped a version moving direct from 8 to 10. One reason desktop and laptop owners didn’t warm to Windows […]

Civil Aviation needs to reconsider aggressive behaviour


"Good employers do not prevent those they employee from coming to work. This is exactly what Civil Aviation is intending on doing by "locking out" people who have joined together in union to achieve better terms and conditions at work," ...

Ruth Thomas-Edmond


There is something seeing and there is something being seen 13 July – 6 August 2016

New Plymouth Man Continues Family Tradition in France


Captain William Brewer of New Plymouth will be marching in one of the world’s oldest and largest military parades when the New Zealand Defence Force (NZDF) takes part in the Bastille Day French parade on 14 July.

Bigger class sizes on the way under National


Hekia Parata’s refusal to rule out bigger class sizes as a result of her new bulk funding regime speaks volumes about the real agenda behind her proposed changes, Labour’s Education spokesperson Chris Hipkins says.

Consultation on operation of new fire services


Following the First Reading passage of the Fire and Emergency Bill today, Internal Affairs Minister Peter Dunne has released a discussion document on new fire services regulations as part of the reform of the fire services sector.

Government move to protect Hawkes Bay river welcomed


Iwi, environment and recreational organisations are welcoming the Environment Minister’s decision to take the next step in protecting Hawkes Bay’s Ngaruroro and Clive Rivers with a Water Conservation Order.

Opportunistic offending on the Kapiti Coast


In recent weeks a spike in burglaries and thefts from unlocked homes and vehicles has been reported in the Waikanae and Paraparaumu communities.

Музыкальные новости

Рэпер Баста назвал непростым матч против Lit Energy, где Литвин напал на фаната

Персональные новости
Comedy Club

«В юности у меня были зубы, как у зайца, а потом я их съел». Митя Фомин в Comedy Club на ТНТ рассказал, зачем артисты меняют зубы

Ngati Ruanui Demand Resignation Of Corrections CEO


After a hui with 200 people today representative of a cross-section of the local community, Ngati Ruanui is demanding the immediate resignation of Ray Smith CEO of the Department of Corrections following the actions he has taken in removing Ngapari ...

Rishworth Aviation sold to UK's Empresaria for US$10M


July 6 (BusinessDesk) - Rishworth Aviation, which supplies pilots, engineers and other staff to the airline industry, has been sold to Empresaria Group, which is listed on the London Stock Exchange's AIM market, for US$10 million.

More than 1500 studying sole parents better off


Social Development Minister Anne Tolley says changes to accommodation support for studying sole parents mean that more parents are accessing higher rates of the support.

Government opts to ignore homelessness crisis


The Green Party and Labour will launch an inquiry into the growing homelessness crisis after the Government rejected calls from MPs on the Social Services Select Committee to investigate the issue.

Спорт в России и мире

Офицер Росгвардии из Иркутска стал призёром всероссийского чемпионата по джиу-джитсу


Все новости спорта сегодня

Новости тенниса

Аслан Карацев выпадет из топ-300 рейтинга ATP после поражения в Алма-Ате


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Экология в России и мире

Объем предложения дорогих квартир на вторичном рынке Москвы за год снизился на 10%

Путин в России и мире

Путин прибыл на Деловой форум БРИКС в Москве

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко подверг критике постсоветские страны за желание «брать что-то» у России и «ничего взамен не давать».

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Помолвка Зеленского с Тейлор Свифт: итальянская пресса выдала "тайный план" Киева

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Елена Образцова

Концерт-посвящение Елене Образцовой пройдёт в Пскове


В Пулково задержаны пять и отменены три рейса

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