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The Donald Trump Interviews…


Ana Braga Speaks Out
Exclusive Interview by Karen Beishuizen

Ana lives on the West Coast but is originally from Brazil. She is a Wellness Coach and Brand Ambassador.

KB: Why do you dislike or even hate Trump?

I don’t hate Trump but my dislike for him has been brewing for a while. I was a supporter of his and voted for him twice, it wasn’t till May of 2023 that I really woke up. It was easy for me to fall for his rhetoric being from Brazil where it’s a socialist country but very corrupt. I was told by many people to vote for him because the democrats would turn the US into Brazil, that was enough to get me scared.

I then started getting attacked by some of his supporters because I had posed in Playboy, and they did not approve of my photos and attire. Some of the MAGA people were accepting of me though so I stayed as long as I could. They make sure you don’t see the bad and make sure to tell you the democrats/liberals would be much worse to me and how much they hate America. Long story short, I started noticing a lot of racism and misogyny in the movement, in June, during Pride month, I was shocked about how much they hate the LGBTQ. The fact they lied about what books were in classrooms and their ridiculous war on Target was enough for me to leave and never look back. I never felt so displaced politically and as a woman.

KB: How do you view his supporters?

Well, it’s complicated. I still have a few friends who are in MAGA, so I don’t want to offend them. But a lot of his supporters have been blinded. It’s weird how they worship him, and no one can criticize the man. They are very angry and it’s almost impossible to have a civil discussion with them without being attacked and called awful names. They believe he’s the only man that can save this country. That phrase alone is enough to convince me I made the right decision to leave the cult.

KB: Why should Trump never be President again?

Because he isn’t about fixing the economy anymore, it became a social issue war. I just don’t see how he could bring the country together if he’s involved with the Heritage Foundation and all the far-right influencers who believe a marriage should only be between a man and woman. Some of these big influencers believe the 19th amendment should be repealed. If it’s something that’s possible to pass or not, it’s the fact they speak so comfortably about it.

KB: Why is America better off without Trump?

Because is not just him, it’s a lot of far-right people with obsolete and ultra-religious ideas involved with him. The fact the Heritage Foundation is involved with not only a transition team but advisors to Trump is enough to raise eyebrows. They want to transform this country into a Christian nation and send us back to 1940 and some to 1919 before women weren’t allowed to vote. Everyone should research Project 2025.

KB: Why should people vote for Joe Biden?

Because, although he isn’t perfect, he’s not involved with an organization trying to take women’s and the LGBTQ rights away. The Democratic Party is a big tent, and they welcome everyone. This will be my first time voting blue and I’m excited about it.

KB: Why are you a Democrat and how do you view the Republican Party?

I’m not a Democrat, I’m a former Republican and I still have to update my party affiliation. I’m just debating if I should change to independent or democrat? For sure I don’t intend to vote republican anymore. I view the Republican Party as archaic and closed minded, specially the MAGA Republicans.

Click Here to Order Boxing Interviews Of A Lifetime By “Bad” Brad Berkwitt


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