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The Story Of… Stiftsbezirk St. Gallen in Switzerland


Interview by Karen Beishuizen
Photos courtesy of Stiftsbezirk St. Gallen

Stiftsbezirk St. Gallen in Switzerland has one of the oldest abbeys and libraries in the world. The roots of St.Gallen Abbey Library reach back to the Middle Ages, when it served the monastery that grew up on the site where St Gall founded a community of hermits in 612. The beginnings of the library go back to the coming of Gallus in 612. Together with the libraries in Verona, St. Catherines in Egypt and Salzburg it belongs to the oldest libraries still existing in the world. Apart from its age it is important for its collection, that has been preserved better than all other libraries going back to the first millennium and contains many manuscripts of good quality. And finally, the library is famous for its beautiful baroque hall, that belongs to the most beautiful buildings worldwide. If you are in St. Gallen, do visit the abbey and library. It is most definitely worth it.

KB: Describe to the RSR readers how the abbey of St. Gallen founded?

In 612 the Irish monk Gallus settled in the forest south of Lake Constance. This is the beginning of the history of this place. Gallus founded a monastic community around 615 and died very old around 640. His grave became a place of worship. In 719 Otmar reformed the monastic community which became an important cultural place from the 9th to the 11th century, bringing forth some of the leading scholars and artists of the early medieval period.

KB: Who was Gallus?

Gallus had come to the continent with Columbanus and was one of hist most prolific disciples. He was a member of the rather severe but inspiring Irish missionary movement that considerably influenced the spiritual development of Europe in the formative centuries between 600 and 900.

KB: What is the rule of St. Columban?

The rule of St. Columban is a rather strict rule, in which the abbot plays the central role. He is in a way the rule and obedience is a central element in his system. The Benedictine Rule that was introduced in St. Gallen by Otmar in the year 747 is more moderate and more open for social and cultural work.

KB: Tell the RSR readers about the library. It is one of the oldest in the world.

Yes, the beginnings of the library go back to the coming of Gallus in 612. Together with the libraries in Verona, St. Catherines in Egypt and Salzburg it belongs to the oldest libraries still existing in the world. Apart from its age it is important for its collection, that has been preserved better than all other libraries going back to the first millennium and contains many manuscripts of good quality. And finally, the library is famous for its beautiful baroque hall, that belongs to the most beautiful buildings worldwide.

KB: Can you describe to the RSR readers what the Carolingian period is?

The Carolingian period is the time when Charlemagne and his family reigned and formed a new Empire in Western Europe. The Carolingians relied very much on the structures of the church and worked together with the monasteries that were founded in great number during this time. The church and notably the monasteries were the cultural centres, in which art and scholarship were cultivated. In the monasteries monks and nuns copied books and founded libraries.

KB: What is The Plan of St. Gallen?

This unique plan shows a concept for a monastery as it was imagined around 825. It was made by two monks of the monastery of Reichenau in order to help the sister monastery in St. Gallen, where new buildings, especially a big new church, were established from 830 to 837. The plan gives us information about how a big monastery was imagined by smart monks. It is of highest importance for the history of European architecture in the early medieval period.

KB: Did the abbey and library appear in movies, series or documentaries?

There are some literary works that refer to the library, but up to now no blockbuster movie was showing the library. However, numerous documentaries about history were made in our library.

KB: Describe for the RSR readers what they would see on a visit to the Abbey and Library?

You see an overwhelming piece of baroque art, with excellent paintings and wonderful woodwork. There are shelves with printed books, vitrines, in which some of our precious medieval manuscripts are presented, and normally other people who want to see this beautiful and important site.

KB: Why should people visit the abbey and the library?

On the one hand it is the baroque world that can be seen in excellent architecture: the beautiful Abbey Church and the marvellous library. And then there is this unique treasure going back to the beginnings of a new Europe in the early medieval period and preserved in the Abbey Library and the Abbey Archives. And of course, the city of St. Gallen is pleasant and in the midst of a beautiful landscape.

Check out Stiftsbezirk St. Gallen’s website: HERE
Find the Library on Facebook: HERE
Find the Library on Instagram: HERE

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