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Ultraviolette Expands into Europe with the F77 Mach 2


At the 2024 EICMA in Milan, Indian electric motorcycle manufacturer Ultraviolette made a major debut with the launch of the F77 MACH 2, a performance-oriented electric bike designed for European roads. Alongside this release, Ultraviolette showcased two additional concept models, the F99 Racing Platform and the Concept X, further solidifying its focus on innovation in electric mobility.

F77 MACH 2: Designed for European Markets

The F77 MACH 2, priced at €9,990, is positioned to appeal to European motorcyclists who are seeking high performance in an electric format. Equipped with a powerful 40.2 hp engine and a peak torque of 100 Nm, the F77 MACH 2 accelerates from 0 to 60 km/h in just 2.8 seconds. A 10.3 kWh battery powers the bike, giving it a top speed of 155 km/h, suitable for both city and highway driving. The model’s design also includes advanced tech features like a smart console and over-the-air (OTA) updates, which provide owners with real-time connectivity and firmware upgrades.

Approved for use across Europe, the F77 MACH 2 is accessible to A1 and A2 license holders, expanding its reach to a diverse range of riders. With its aggressive stance and modern LED lighting, the F77 MACH 2 caters to European consumers interested in electric mobility without compromising on style or performance.

Ultraviolette’s Racing Model: The F99 Racing Platform

A highlight at the EICMA showcase, the F99 Racing Platform represents Ultraviolette’s commitment to electric motorsport. The model is powered by a 90 kW motor and achieves a top speed of 265 km/h, with acceleration from 0 to 100 km/h in three seconds. Designed for racing, the F99 incorporates active aerodynamics and advanced cooling ducts, emphasizing its performance-oriented features. The bike’s 178 kg kerb weight, combined with its high-speed capabilities, indicates a strong potential for motorsport and positions it as a significant development in electric racing technology.

Concept X: A Glimpse into the Future

Also on display was Ultraviolette’s Concept X, a forward-thinking prototype that merges aesthetics with functional design. While technical specifications were not disclosed, Concept X hints at the direction Ultraviolette intends to take in future electric bike design, combining elements of urban style and performance.

Expansion Plans in Europe and Beyond

Ultraviolette is expanding its footprint across Europe, with partnerships in countries including Turkey, Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. Pre-orders for the F77 MACH 2 are already live, and the company has confirmed its long-term plans for additional markets in North America, Latin America, and Southeast Asia over the next two years.

UV Future Labs and Innovation in Electric Mobility

Supporting Ultraviolette’s ambitious growth is UV Future Labs, a dedicated center focused on developing connected technology, AI-driven safety features, and other advanced EV solutions. UV Future Labs’ ongoing research in connectivity and performance optimization aligns with Ultraviolette’s mission to create a diverse range of electric motorcycles that meet different rider needs, from urban commuters to speed enthusiasts.

The post Ultraviolette Expands into Europe with the F77 Mach 2 first appeared on Motoroids.


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