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Hero Electric And Charzer To Set Up 1 Lakh Charging Stations Across India


While the oil prices in our country are only pushing forward the EV industry, the lack of proper and widespread charging infrastructure is posing a serious threat to electrification. Though the process is indeed going on, we still have miles to go. To streamline this venture, Hero Electric is partnering up with Charzer to set up one lakh EV charging stations all across the country. Far from popular belief, Hero Electric and Hero MotoCorp are two separate entities. While Hero MotoCorp has just announced its entry into the EV business, Hero Electric is one of the dominating brands of the electric scooter industry.

Official Statement

Mr. Sohinder Gill, CEO at Hero Electric said, “With our vision and commitment to advance the growth of EVs, we are working rigorously to scale up the charging infrastructure,” he added, “Through this partnership, we aim to strengthen the thrust towards EVs and promote a cleaner and greener mobility solution.”

Plans for the future

This partnership between Hero Electric and the Bangalore-based brand Charzer aims to strengthen the EV charging station network in India. Their plan is spread over three years and has a target of setting up one lakh chargers. In the initial stages (first year) they will set up 10,000 charging stations, established across 30 cities, and will slowly reach out and expand its network over time. This will also include the chargers being set up inside the dealerships. For easy access to these charging stations, Charzer will also release a mobile app that will direct you to the closest charging outlet from your location.

Seeing the rise in new brands and old brands starting in the EV industry, Hero Electric can sense the threat to its name, ‘India’s leading electric scooter manufacturer’. Judging this situation, the brand had already announced that it will increase production by March next year, to meet the rising demand for electric scooters. The automobile industry is not all about cars, bikes, or scooters; it very much depends upon the type of service provided by the brand and also the dealership. When it comes to EVs, people still feel restricted and are concerned about being stranded on the road. All these notions can only be removed by forming a well-thought-out plan to grow the network of EV charging stations. It is only then that we can achieve a cleaner and greener way of transportation.

This article was first published on Motoroids - Hero Electric And Charzer To Set Up 1 Lakh Charging Stations Across India - Auto News From India.


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