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Nissan’s Onslaught Continues; Announces Subscription Plans As Low As INR 17,999 Per Month


Nissan might have had a tough phase in its Indian endeavour but the Japanese carmaker is surely setting things straight now. After waging a price war against its rivals with the launch of the Magnite last year, the company has now announced a first-of-its-kind subscription plan for its consumers in India. This will be applicable to the newly introduced Magnite, the Kicks and the Datsun Redi-Go. This plan will offer consumers to avail Nissan cars at Zero Down Payment, Zero Insurance Cost and Zero Maintenance Cost.

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Dubbed as “Nissan Intelligent Ownership Subscription Plan”, it is the industry’s most aggressive & competitive subscription plan. Nissan has partnered with ORIX Corporations to drive the subscription program.

Nissan is turning no stones unturned to offer its products at competitive prices to the consumers. This not only stands true for the products sold directly but also for their subscription plans. You will be able to drive a Datsun Redi-Go for as low as ₹8,999/- per month, Nissan Magnite starting at ₹17,999/- or a Nissan Kicks from ₹23,999/- per month. Consumers won’t have to pay any down payment, interest or any service costs. The monthly fee covers Vehicle insurance, Registration fee, Road tax, RTO expenses and all maintenance costs including scheduled & unscheduled repairs, tire & battery replacement, 24×7 roadside assistance, cost of paperwork.

The Asset-Lite subscription plan will be offered on specific models of the Magnite, Kicks and the Datsun Redi-Go at a fixed monthly fee for a hassle-free ownership experience to the customers. The unique feature of this plan is that Nissan will offer these vehicles in “White Number Plates” and will also provide a “Buy-back option” to the consumers with no hidden costs. The consumers will need to pay a nominal refundable deposit initially followed by a fixed monthly fee basis the preferred tenure.

The subscription plan will be rolled out in select cities namely, Delhi NCR, Hyderabad and Chennai in the first phase. Phase two will see the launch of the program in Bangalore, Pune and Mumbai.

Nissan also launched their digital platform – Shop@Home in order to offer consumers a complete contactless car buying experience. The platform extends features like –

  • Online Booking of Vehicles
  • Virtual Showroom
  • Virtual Test Drive
  • Vehicle Personalization
  • Exchange Value Evaluation
  • EMI Calculator
  • EMI Comparison
  • Finance Application

Nissan also offers a choice for the customer to pay at the dealership after they have checked all the details online.

This article was first published on Motoroids - Nissan’s Onslaught Continues; Announces Subscription Plans As Low As INR 17,999 Per Month - Auto News From India.


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