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Volkswagen Unveils its New SUV Family at The Auto Expo 2020


Volkswagen India unveiled its biggest SUV offensive at the Auto Expo 2020. The product line-up will participate in the growing SUV segments, which receive heightened customer interest. The brand introduced its new SUV family, which comprises of the Volkswagen Taigun, T-Roc, Tiguan and Tiguan Allspace. With the line-up of such vibrant & sporty cars catering to different customer groups. Volkswagen also launched its new brand design for the Indian market. Premiering in India, the brand marked the beginning of “New Volkswagen”. The re-branding exercise was built on the theme ‘Vibrant Power’, with the aim of making the brand more human and lively. Along with the ability to present realistic situations that our customer scan resonates within our brand experience. The symbol and trademark will be the new logo. It is more modern, clearer and simpler. There will now be a “moving frame” in the future, which allows the flexible position of the logo. Thus creating a user-friendly interface, intended for digital applications. In the new visual language, the light will also play an important role, with an illuminated logo at the brand locations and dealerships. Additionally, for the first time, Volkswagen will be represented by a female voice. The objective is to create a modern and authentic brand with a uniform global 360° experience. The realignment of Volkswagen’s brand design is one of the world’s largest re-branding campaigns.

Speaking at the Auto Expo 2020, Mr Steffen Knapp, Director, Volkswagen Passenger Cars India said, “With the India premiere of Volkswagen’s SUV family, the brand is showcasing its clear direction and focus for the Indian market. Our SUV range over the next two years will cater to every customer segment. We will be launching the Tiguan Allspace and T-Roc in H1 2020, in turn, giving customers a plethora of options from Brand Volkswagen.”

Volkswagen India announced the pre-booking commencement of the Tiguan Allspace and T-Roc at the Auto Expo in Greater Noida. For more details on the pre-booking of both the carlines, customers can visit www.volkswagen.co.in

Volkswagen Taigun

Under Volkswagen Group’s India 2.0 project, the Taigun is the first product built on the MQB A0 IN platform. The SUV will be powered by Volkswagen’s renowned TSI technology combined with the brand’s globally acclaimed DSG gearbox. The Taigun is a complete package for a modern Indian consumer, with a dominant front making it look bolder, muscular in turn giving it a sporty SUV stance. The interiors are plush with leatherette seats and a digital instrument cluster. It’s contemporary in its design and would suite the active lifestyle of an Indian consumer. Further, the rear of the car has a new design element, it is illuminated with a LED strip that is bordered by a glossy black trim. It runs across the whole width of the car and integrates in to Volkswagen’s LED signature tail-lamps on either side. At Volkswagen, safety is ingrained in our DNA. Like every Volkswagen carlines, the Taigun is equipped with safety features such as 6-airbags, anti-lock braking system (ABS) and electronic stability control (ESC) among others.

Volkswagen T-Roc

The Volkswagen T-Roc has a progressive design language, with a coupé-style roof, distinctively wide front end and concise proportions. It exudes character and confidence. The integrated LED headlights and unique LED daytime running lights creates an unmistakable look, especially when driven at night. The dual-tone rooftop enhances the sporty look, as it matches perfectly with the eclectic body colour. The carline will be introduced with a TSI petrol engine mated to Volkswagen’s 7-speed DSG gearbox. Further, it will consist of all the standard equipment that’s part of the brand’s global SUV portfolio – panoramic sunroof, 6-airbags, ABS, ESC and infotainment solutions for Apple and Android users, providing customers a comfortable driving experience.

Volkswagen Tiguan Allspace

One of the most spacious SUVs, the Allspace is a 7-seater carline with a generous passenger compartment. The carline has a large boot space that fits every kind of luggage. On folding the third row, the cargo space doubles making it convenient to transport luggage from one place to another. The ergonomic design language, roomy interiors and exceptional build quality gives a consumer the freedom to spontaneously plan any kind of adventure. The Tiguan AllSpace is a petrol-powered engine, it comprises of Volkswagen’s renowned TSI technology, which is mated to a 7-speed 4MOTION DSG gearbox.

Also Read: Hero Electric Unveils Series of Exciting New Products at The Auto Expo 2020

Volkswagen Tiguan

The Tiguan is the most successful car globally, with over 3.5million units sold across 150 markets. It is designed to make a powerful statement. Its muscular hood contours and chrome-finished grille creates a lasting first impression. The Tiguan conveys a sense of sophistication with its elegant chrome finished headlights and honeycomb grille design. Under the hood, lies a 2.0L TDI engine combined with a 7-speed 4MOTION DSG automatic gearbox, delivering a power output of 143PS and 340 Nm of torque. Based on Volkswagen’s MQB platform, the Tiguan has several features like Pedestrian Safety (Active Hood), 6-airbags, Hill Start Assist, Self-sealing Tyres, ‘Vienna’ Leather Seats, Cruise Control, AppConnect, Rain and Light sensor, LED Headlamps with DRLs, LED tail-lamps, Easy Open Boot, Panoramic Sunroof and Keyless Entry and Go among others.


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