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Police issue major update on TV paramedic and girlfriend found dead at home


The couple were found dead at their home in South Wales on Tuesday.

Ambulance worker pays tribute to her 999: On the Front Line co-star Daniel Duffield, found dead in apparent murder-suicide.
On the Front Line co-star Daniel Duffield and his girlfriend were found dead at their home in South Wales (Picture: Instagram)

Police have confirmed no-one else is being sought in connection with the deaths of a TV paramedic and a woman whose bodies were found in a house in Staffordshire.

Daniel Duffield, 24, of Cannock, and Lauren Evans, 22, of Bridgend in south Wales, were named on Friday by Staffordshire Police as the people who were found at an address in Alpine Drive in Hednesford on Tuesday.

Police were alerted by West Midlands Ambulance Service who were at the address.

Mr Duffield, who appeared on the Channel 4’s documentary series 999: On The Frontline, was described by colleagues as ‘always keen to help’ and ‘a well-known member of staff’.

Police and forensic officers at the scene of a double murder probe on Alpine Drive in Hednesford, Staffs. June 26, 2024. Release date ??? June 26, 2024. Police have launched a double murder probe after the bodies of a man and a woman were found at a house. Paramedics made the grim discovery after being called to an address on Alpine Drive in Hednesford, Staffs., at around 12.30pm yesterday (Tue). Police were called after two bodies were found inside and a cordon has been set up at the scene while investigations are carried out.
Police have confirmed nobody else is being investigated in connection with the murder (Picture: SWNS)

The series follows ambulance crews as they attend callouts in the West Midlands.

The West Midlands Ambulance Service said Mr Duffield was employed as a paramedic at Willenhall Hub.

Post-mortem examinations were completed on Friday and the cause of death was not released by police, who said this would be a matter for an inquest at a future date.

The force spokesman added that as police are not looking for anyone else in connection with the deaths, a file is being prepared for the coroner.

Detective superintendent Nicki Addison, of the major investigations department, said: ‘This incident has understandably devastated the families and loved ones of those involved.

‘We’d like to reiterate that the families have asked for their privacy to be respected at this tragic time. Please respect that. And again, we’d like to remind you that speculation is unhelpful and hurtful to the families – and can hinder our investigation.

‘I’d like to thank everyone who has given us information.’

Not to be used until 100% ID?d by newsdesk - Daniel Duffield and Lauren Evans
Daniel Duffield and Lauren Evans’ families say they are ‘devastated’ by the news (Picture: Facebook)

He said that investigative work and forensic examination was still being carried out at the scene.

Staffordshire Police previously said it had referred itself to the Independent Office for Police Conduct in relation to the case because of ‘recent police contact’.

Mr Duffield’s death has been described as ‘a great tragedy’ by colleague Richard Barratt, a senior operations manager at Willenhall.

He previously said: ‘Daniel Duffield was a well-known member of staff and always keen to help and support his colleagues.

‘His death, at such a young age, is a great tragedy.

‘I hope Daniel’s family can take some comfort from the hundreds of patients he helped through his time as a paramedic. Our thoughts go out to the families of both of those found at the scene.’

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