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Serial flasher jailed again for going out in see-through trousers


When asked if he had anything on underneath a grinning Robert Jenner replied: ‘Socks.’

Naked Carpenter
Rob Jenner has a history of exposing himself in public (Picture: SWNS)

A notorious ‘naked carpenter’ with a history of flashing is back behind bars.

Robert Jenner, 45, was confronted by officers in January this year after they spotted him strolling through Maidstone town centre in ‘transparent’ mesh trousers.

When asked if he had anything on underneath a grinning Jenner replied: ‘Socks.’

He’d been released part-way through a two-year sentence for 10 indecent exposure offences just months earlier.

The ex-soldier, who gained fame for his woodworking exploits in the buff, insists that the problem lies with those who are offended by his nakedness – not with him.

Jenner appeared at Maidstone Crown Court on Thursday to be sentenced for indecent exposure, breaching a criminal behaviour order and sending an offensive communication.

Outlining the offending behaviour, prosecutor Daniel Stevenson said: ‘He was wearing transparent mesh trousers and no underwear. His genitals were clearly visible.’

The court heard he laughed as he explained to officers he had not long left a local Wetherspoons pub before calling himself ‘Mr Inappropriate’.

FILE PICTURE - Naturist Rob Jenner. A self-styled naturist exposed himself to householders while delivering parcels, a court heard. See NATIONAL story NNnaked. Robert Jenner delivered parcels for nationwide courier service, Hermes, wearing jeans with a hole cut out of the crotch, it was alleged, leaving his manhood exposed. Jenner, 43, denies 11 offences of indecent exposure at Canterbury Crown Court. The delivery man, from Snodland, Kent, was working in the region as a delivery driver for parcel giant Hermes when the alleged offences took place. Prosecutor Daniel Stevenson claimed Jenner sometimes wore see-through tights or shorts while out of the house.
The court heard Jenner ‘claims to be a naturist and claims the right to be naked in public places’ (Picture: Tony Kershaw/SWNS.com)
Robert Jenner,43..See National News story NNnaked.The perverted 'naked carpenter' has been jailed for two years for wearing see-through trousers in public and exposing himself to customers when he dropped off packages.Robert Jenner had paraded his manhood in front of shocked shop staff and day trippers at a park.The 43-year-old naturist also dropped off orders while working for delivery giant Hermes with a hole cut in his jeans and his package on show.Dressed in a smart black suit, the former soldier had told a jury at Canterbury Crown Court that he was a
(Picture: SWNS)

Mr Stevenson continued: ‘He claims to be a naturist and claims the right to be naked in public places.

‘He got some notoriety as the naked carpenter.’

At the time, Jenner was subject to a seven-year criminal behaviour order which stated he had to have at least one layer of clothing covering his genitals when in public areas or not attending a naturist event.

Mr Stevenson said that during a previous court appearance last year, Jenner had admitted he ‘enjoyed the attention that followed him as a result of his naked activities’.

FILE PICTURE - Naturist Rob Jenner renovating his house. A self-styled 'naked carpenter
Jenner renovating his house in the buff (Picture: Tony Kershaw/SWNS)

Defence barrister John FitzGerald told the court there were ‘more serious examples’ of exposure than Jenner’s.

He said Jenner is a former soldier in the Princess of Wales regiment, serving for ten years and seeing combat during a tour of Iraq.

Sentencing him, Judge Julian Smith said: ‘I accept no members of the public had complained, but you have a persistent record.’

He was jailed in March last year after a jury heard he wore jeans with a hole cut in the crotch area while delivering parcels for Hermes in November and December 2017.

Jenner also paraded his manhood by wearing see-through shorts during visits to a supermarket, country park and shopping centre, all in Kent.

His victims over a 10-month period included a 14-year-old schoolgirl and a pregnant woman.

However, he was cleared of 11 other indecent exposure charges in February 2017.

Those related to him carrying out chores along with gardening and DIY tasks in the nude.

Jenner, from Snodland in Kent, first made headlines as the Naked Carpenter in September 2016 when his activities in just work boots led to complaints from neighbours.

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