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US releases three Navy videos of ‘unidentified aerial phenomena’


''As I got close to it... it rapidly accelerated to the south, and disappeared in less than two seconds.'

The Pentagon released three videos of unidentified flying objects filmed by Navy pilots. (PIcture: US Department of Defense)

US officials have formally released three shocking videos taken by Navy pilots that show ‘unidentified aerial phenomena.’

Footage released by the Pentagon on Monday appears to show unidentified flying objects soaring through the sky as they are recorded on infrared cameras. Two of the clips include surprised reactions from pilots who are clearly taken aback by how strangely the objects are moving. One even suspects the object could be a drone.

Navy officials previously acknowledged the videos last September and they were published by a private company before they were officially released by the Pentagon.

Pentagon spokesperson Sue Gough said the reason the videos have been officially released is ‘in order to clear up any misconceptions by the public on whether or not the footage that has been circulating was real, or whether or not there is more to the videos.’

‘After a thorough review, the department has determined that the authorized release of these unclassified videos do not reveal any sensitive capabilities or system and does not impinge on any subsequent investigations of military air space incursions by unidentified aerial phenomena.’

The videos made shockwaves after they were published in late 2017 and early 2018 by To The Stars Academy of Arts & Sciences, a company that studies information about unidentified flying objects that was co-founded by former Blink-182 band member Tom DeLonge.

One of the pilots, David Fravor, who saw the strange flying objects in 2004 opened up about the encounter in 2017,

‘As I got close to it… it rapidly accelerated to the south, and disappeared in less than two seconds,’ Fravor told CNN.

‘This was extremely abrupt, like a ping pong ball, bouncing a wall. It would hit and go the other way.’

The Navy has since established formal guidelines on how pilots can report what they believe are UFOs and the former head of a classified Pentagon program that studied unknown ariel phenomenon, Luis Elizondo, said ‘there is very compelling evidence that we are not alone.’

‘These aircraft – we’ll call them aircraft – are displaying characteristics that are not currently within the US inventory nor in any foreign inventory that we are aware of.’

Elizondo resigned in 2017 in protest over the programs secrecy and opposition it faced.


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