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How furloughed workers can earn extra money AND help feed Britain


How easy is it for people on furlough to take on a second job? We asked employment experts how to go about it.

There is nothing in the government furlough scheme preventing you taking a second job
There is nothing in the government furlough scheme preventing you taking a second job (Picture: Bloomberg/Getty)

Millions of furloughed workers have been urged to help out picking fruit and veg during the harvest to stop crops spoiling in the fields.

The government has warned that there may not be enough workers in May and June, as the migrant workers farms usually rely on cannot travel here due to lockdown restrictions.

But how easy is it for people on furlough to take on a second job? We asked employment experts how to go about it.

The first thing to note is that there is nothing in the government scheme that stops you from doing so. You will not lose out on payments under the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme for taking up the call to work on farms, or elsewhere such as in supermarkets.

Secondly, however, there may be a clause in your employment contract that states you should not carry out work elsewhere, or that you must inform your employer before doing so.

These clauses are common, but no need to assume you definitely will not be able to take on other work. Many employers will be open to you doing so, provided you are open with them about what your plans are.

ROCHESTER, KENT - MARCH 31: Seasonal worker Anna Maria from Romania, tends to raspberries inside a Polytunnel ahead of the fruit picking season at a farm on March 31, 2020 in Rochester, Kent. Concerns over the short supply of seasonal workers are growing with an estimated 90,000 positions needed to be filled. The charity 'Concordia' has warned the government that unless people can be brought in to pick fruit and vegetables, much of that produce will simply rot away. Many of the eastern European countries that usually supply the demand for workers, such as Bulgaria, are currently on lockdown due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, which has spread to many countries across the world, claiming over 30,000 lives and infecting hundreds of thousands more. (Photo by Dan Kitwood/Getty Images)
A seasonal worker tends to raspberries in Kent (Picture: Getty)

Kate Palmer, associate director of advisory at HR consultancy firm Peninsula, told Metro.co.uk: ‘Many employers have within their contract of employment a clause along the lines of “If you intend to undertake work for a different employer, please let us know”.

‘They may do that purely to ensure that there is no breach to the working time regulations, and no health and safety risks by doing too many hours. 

‘Or they may do that, for example, if they want to assess the other employment in case there is a conflict.’

There are more than four million people currently on furlough due to the coronavirus pandemic in the UK. The government has agreed to pay 80% of their salary up to a maximum of £2,500, with the option for employers to top up the rest.

People on the scheme are not allowed to carry out any work for their original employer, however they are not barred from working for a different company.

Ms Palmer said: ‘What an employee should do before they take up any work with a different employer is to check what’s in the contract. If there’s anything along those lines [about not working for another company], pick up the phone to the employer and have a conversation about the viability of doing other work.

A farm worker carries a tray of freshly harvested asparagus in a field at a farm in Minster near Ramsgate, U.K., on Wednesday, April 15, 2020. Almost all of Britain's seasonal agriculture workers travel from abroad each year -- something they may find impossible as movement is restricted and airlines shutter flights. Photographer: Chris Ratcliffe/Bloomberg via Getty Images
A farm worker carries a tray of freshly harvested asparagus in a field at a farm in Minster near Ramsgate (Picture: Getty)

‘The only situation I believe most employers would refuse to allow them to do that would be if there was a direct conflict of interest, for example if the second employer did something exactly the same as the first, or if you were privy to information that would benefit the second employer or create conflict.’

She said people should also bear in mind that many employers are starting to unfurlough staff and their original employer could call them back at short notice.

The minimum amount of time an employee can be furloughed for is three weeks, but people might be told within a matter of days after this initial period that they need to return. The scheme runs until the end of June and will be reviewed after this.

Colin Leckey, a partner specialising in employment law at Lewis Silkin LLP, also recommended people speak to their employers if there is a clause in their contract about working elsewhere.

‘It’s certainly worth having that discussion and asking them what is the point of the clause and will they release you from it,’ he said. ‘It seems to me that there isn’t any particular good reason why they wouldn’t do so.’

‘My recommendation to anyone in that position is that it’s worth speaking to your employer and saying “I’ve got this restriction in place in my employment contract in my furlough agreement, but I’d really like to spend June going to pick the fruit in the fields which is generally recognised as being something we have a need as a country for. Will you agree to release me from this restriction for that purpose?”

‘I can’t see any strong reason why an employer would want to say no to that. The one possible caveat is the employer might be thinking they might need to recall this person from furlough in order to start work as normal again.’

He cautioned that if people just went ahead and took a second job without informing their initial employer, they could be at risk of losing their job if there is a clause in their contract talking about work elsewhere.

 ‘It is something you would want to be wary about,’ he said.

If you want to apply for farm work, British Summer Fruits are recruiting.

We also put together an explainer about how to help pick fruit and veg here.

Get in touch with our news team by emailing us at webnews@metro.co.uk.

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