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Grandmother asks if hugging family will be allowed when lockdown eases


Lynn from Skipton was the first non-journalist given the chance to grill ministers at today's Downing Street press briefing.

A grandmother from Skipton was the first member of the public given the chance to ask ministers a question about  coronavirus
A grandmother from Skipton was the first member of the public given the chance to ask ministers a question about coronavirus

A woman asked if she would be able to hug her grandchildren when lockdown is eased in the first question from the public at the Downing Street coronavirus press conference.

Lynn from Skipton was the first non-journalist given the chance to grill ministers and health officials- a new element being introduced at the daily briefings as part of a transparency drive by Number 10.

The query was chosen from more than 15,000 posed by members of the public on Monday. The woman asked: ‘I’m missing my grandchildren so much. Please can you let me know if, after the five criteria are met, is being able to hug our closest family one of the first steps out of lockdown?’

Health Secretary Matt Hancock said this question was ‘incredibly important’ and it reminds us of the ’emotional impact’ of the lockdown measures. He invited chief medical officer Christ Whitty to respond, who said it would depend on the woman’s health condition.

He said: ‘If she is someone who has a significant medical problem in a way that means that she would have to be shielding, and she’s an older person – some grandparents are younger grandparents, some obviously are older – if she’s in a group which is vulnerable, then the answer is that it might well be prudent, and this will depend entirely on individual circumstances, for her not to get into a situation where she is putting herself at risk.

‘Obviously if she’s healthy and younger, that may well not be true, but the overall view that actually one of the things that clearly is important to everybody is the ability to get together with families remotely, but also physically, everyone fully accepts.

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‘Nevertheless, it is important that people who are vulnerable continue to be protected even after whatever the next steps are occur.’

Mr Hancock said he understands the impact of not being able to hug close family. He did not answer Lynn’s question directly though, saying the best way for things to go back to normal is to ‘follow the stay at home rules’.

One question a day from members of the public will now be put to ministers at the briefings, and the process of choosing will be managed independently by pollster YouGov.

Mr Hancock said the move to take questions from the public came ‘following significant demand’, adding that politicians will not see the question in advance.

The selected questioner will be informed by 3pm, two hours ahead of the usual press conference time. They will then be given the choice of either filming themselves asking the question, with the footage played during the press conference, or having their question read out.

Social media appeared divided over Lynn from Skipton’s question. Some praised her for asking a question ‘rooted in genuine human compassion’, with others describing it as a welcome change from the often technical questions asked by journalists.

But others said the question was ‘soft’ and ‘a waste’ after officials failed to provide a clear answer.

The government has said the UK must past five tests before lockdown can be loosened, though no details of what this might look like have been released.

On his return back to work today, Boris Johnson promised more information about the so-called ‘new normal’ in the coming days.

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