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Blind man thrown out of Aldi supermarket for shopping with girlfriend


He says he was 'shouted ta and told to leave in front of a big queue'.

Blind dad shouted at for shopping with girlfriend at Aldi
Christy Lynch, 54, was asked to leave an Aldi store (Picture: Getty/Liverpool Echo)

A blind man was thrown out of a supermarket because he was shopping with his partner.

Christy Lynch, 54, says he was asked to leave an Aldi store, in Thornton, Merseyside, and told he could not return with his girlfriend.

He had gone shopping on Friday morning to buy some supplies for their elderly neighbours.

Lynch, from Crosby, told the Liverpool Echo: ‘It was really embarrassing for me to be treated like that.

‘It was humiliating to be shouted at and told to leave in front of a massive queue.’

Christy Lynch, 54, from Crosby, who is registered blind, was told to leave the Thornton Aldi store because he wasn't allowed to shop in a pair with his partner
Aldi has apologised to Christy Lynch, (Picture: Liverpool Echo)

Lynch, who is totally blind in one eye and has limited vision in the other, works for Liverpool City Council and is a designated key worker.

He added: ‘It’s my local store. I always use that branch.

‘There were other people walking around in pairs inside so it didn’t make sense that we were singled out.

‘I was shouted at by the security guard who told me to get out.

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‘I had a mask on. I take this situation seriously and my partner was there because I need assistance while shopping.

‘I’m not an aggressive person at all and I was trying to be diplomatic throughout the whole of this.

‘I tried to have a reasonable discussion with management and security but they weren’t having any of it.’

Supermarket chain Aldi store on Old Kent Road on 9th January 2020 in London, England, United Kingdom. Aldi is the common brand of two German family-owned discount supermarket chains with over 10,000 stores in 20 countries. With it's low price, discount approach, Aldi is rapidly becomming serious competition to the big four supermarkets in the UK. (photo by Mike Kemp/In Pictures via Getty Images)
Aldi has encouraged customers to shop individually rather than in groups (Getty Images)

Aldi has apologised to Lynch for the incident and clarified that where necessary, customers will be allowed to shop with others.

Like many other supermarkets, it has encouraged customers to shop individually rather than in groups to try and limit the spread Covicd-19.

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