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Are smokers less likely to get coronavirus and how does nicotine impact Covid-19?


France has limited the sales of nicotine-based products

close up of man with cigarette packet
Close up of male hand take a pack of cigarette. (Credits: Getty Images)

It may seem counterintuitive, but last week, a group of researchers in France discovered regular smokers may be less susceptible to catching Covid-19.

The research ostensibly defies any logic, especially considering another group of researchers from China previously said smokers are 14 times more likely to develop severe symptoms from the virus.

While the study is ongoing, French authorities have limited the sales of nicotine-based products, banning all online sales and only allowing pharmacies to dispense one month’s worth of supplies at a time.

So… can smoking actually have a positive impact on coronavirus?

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Can smoking prevent coronavirus?

Not quite. Although some preliminary studies have discovered nicotine could be a protective factor against the virus.

Researchers from Pitié-Salpêtrière hospital in Paris found that fewer people hospitalised, or at home, with Covid-19 were regular smokers compared to the general population.

The researchers interviewed 480 patients who tested positive for the virus including 350 who had been hospitalised and 130 who had less serious symptoms and were permitted to go home.

Of those admitted to hospital, with the median age of 65, only 4.4 per cent were regular smokers.

In contrast, 11.3 per cent of the general population between the ages of 65 and 75 smoke.

a person smokes a roll up cigarette through their face mask
The studies found less smokers found themselves in hospital with coronavirus (Picture: Bruce Bennett/Getty Images)

In comparison, of those sent home – with a median age of 44 – 5.3 per cent smoked.

This is remarkably low, considering among the general population, 40 per cent of those in this category smoke.

According to The Telegraph, another French study – conducted by the Pasteur Institute – has corroborated these claims, with their research finding smokers were four times less likely to catch coronavirus.

The institute, which tested almost 700 participants, found that only 7.2 per cent of those infected were smokers.

Meanwhile, four times as many non-smokers – 28 per cent – were infected.

However, despite these studies, the general consensus is still firmly that people should refrain from smoking.

According to Public Health England: ‘Smoking tobacco is known to damage the lungs and airways causing a range of severe respiratory problems.

‘The evidence clearly shows Covid-19 virus attacks the respiratory system, which explains why smokers are at greater risk.’

According to The BBC, government health officials in France have also cautioned against smoking, warning that smoking kills 75,000 people a year in France.

How does nicotine impact Covid-19?

In layman terms, the theory is that nicotine could play a role in blocking the virus, and it could be a ‘protective factor’ against the infection.

The paper published from the research conducted at Pitié-Salpêtrière hospital, states: ‘under controlled settings, Nicotinic agents could provide an efficient treatment for an acute infection such as Covid-19.’

However, they caution: ‘One should not forget that nicotine is a drug of abuse responsible for smoking addiction. Smoking has severe pathological consequences and remains a serious danger for health.’

It is not recommended therefore to use nicotine patches or cigarettes to prevent Covid-19.

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