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NHS boss says ‘hard work is paying off’ as death figures drop


'This is absolutely because we as the British public have paid attention to the social distancing guidance we have been given.'

Stephen Powis
Professor Stephen Powis said the death toll is dropping due to the ‘hard work’ of social-distancing (Picture: Getty Images/ 10 Downing Street)

The slowing death toll from coronavirus is evidence that the ‘hard work’ of lockdown is paying off, the national medical director for NHS England has said.

Speaking during today’s daily press conference, Professor Stephen Powis said the improving numbers are ‘absolutely’ the results of people listening to and obeying current social-distancing restrictions.

He said: ‘We now have a very definite trend in a reduced number of people in hospitals. That is most marked in London but I think you can also see that in the Midlands and the beginnings of that in other areas of the UK.

‘That is definitely showing that our compliance with social-distancing is proving to be beneficial. It is reducing the transmission and spread of the virus.’

Downing Steet Daily Press Briefing 26 April 2020
The number of people in hospital with Covid-19 is reducing (Picture: 10 Downing Street)

He continued: ‘If we look at the proportion of critical care beds that are being used for Covid-19 patients in the UK… you can see that the proportion is declining, as indeed is the absolute number.

‘So again, it is evidence that all the hard work everybody in the country has been doing to maintain social distancing is paying off.’

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As of today, the UK death toll after testing positive for Covid-19 stands at 20,751, following a further 368 deaths. The number only reflects those who died in hospital.

The rise in deaths is the lowest daily increase for nearly four weeks, when 180 deaths were confirmed on March 30.

Downing Steet Daily Press Briefing 26 April 2020
The proportion of critical care beds in use is declining (Picture: 10 Downing Street)
LONDON, ENGLAND - APRIL 25: Members of the public in face masks queue 2 meters apart outside a shop in East London on April 25, 2020 in London, England. The British government has extended the lockdown restrictions first introduced on March 23 that are meant to slow the spread of COVID-19. (Photo by Justin Setterfield/Getty Images)
Prof Powis said it was vital lockdown continues (Picture: Getty Images)

Prof Powis went on to add that the improved figures would only ‘continue to pay off’ if the UK keeps on social-distancing, stating that he fears things will get worse again if the lockdown is lifted too early.

He said: ‘We are not at the point where we can be absolutely confident that [a second spike] will not be the case. This is not the time to say, “we’ve done a good job, we now need to stop”.’

Lockdown measures were first brought in on March 23, before being extended for at least another three weeks on April 13. Under current restrictions, members of the public may only leave their home if they are key workers, exercising once daily or shopping for food and medicine.

When the process first started, a wave of panic buying saw supermarkets across the country run out of essential supplies, such as toilet roll, paracetamol and hand wash. During the press conference, Environment Secretary George Eustice said that ‘food availability’ has now returned to normal.

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