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Cerne Abbas Giant given unauthorised update with coronavirus face mask


'Great to see Cerne Abbas Giant practising social distancing, wearing his face mask and keeping up villagers' morale.'

The famous hillside chalk Cerne Abbas Giant has been given an accessory - a medical MASK to his face. See SWNS story SWBRgiant. The 180 foot (55m) tall ancient naked chalk figure is believed to have been given the unauthorised alteration on Friday. It was spotted early yesterday morning (Sat) by local resident Kevin Knight, whose home in Cerne Abbas, Dorset, overlooks the hill. The 43-year-old car sales executive Tweeted on Saturday:
The face mask appeared on the giant over night (Picture: SWNS)

A famous hillside figure has been updated to match the current climate after someone placed a medical mask over his face.

The 180 foot Cerne Abbas Giant, sculpted into the chalk hillside in Dorset, is believed to have received the unauthorised accessory on Friday. It was then spotted early morning by Kevin Knight, 43, who lives in the village Cerne Abbas.

He snapped a photo of the figure and tweeted it with the caption: ‘Great to see Cerne Abbas Giant practising social distancing, wearing his face mask and keeping up villagers’ morale.’

The artwork is Britain’s largest chalk figure and was given to the National Trust 100 years ago. Its exact origins are unknown, but the chalk is replaced every decade to ensure it doesn’t fade away.

The famous hillside chalk Cerne Abbas Giant has been given an accessory - a medical MASK to his face. See SWNS story SWBRgiant. The 180 foot (55m) tall ancient naked chalk figure is believed to have been given the unauthorised alteration on Friday. It was spotted early yesterday morning (Sat) by local resident Kevin Knight, whose home in Cerne Abbas, Dorset, overlooks the hill. The 43-year-old car sales executive Tweeted on Saturday:
Members of the public do not usually have access to the site (Picture: SWNS)

Kevin said: ‘I look out of my kitchen window and see the giant every day. I woke up on Saturday morning at about 6am and was about to take the dog for her walk when I noticed that the giant had started wearing a medical face mask, perhaps to protect himself or villagers.

‘It has been the talk of the village, and sure has lifted everyone’s spirits. Right opposite the Giant is a care home – I’m sure they would have loved it.’

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The Cerne Abbas Giant is not normally accessible to the public, in order to avoid damage and erosion. The National Trust said it did not encourage defacements, but it has been subjected to several in the past.

In 2019, the penis was adorned with petals and leaves in 2019, while two years earlier the name ‘Theresa’ and a tennis racquet were added on separate occasions.

The famous hillside chalk Cerne Abbas Giant has been given an accessory - a medical MASK to his face. See SWNS story SWBRgiant. The 180 foot (55m) tall ancient naked chalk figure is believed to have been given the unauthorised alteration on Friday. It was spotted early yesterday morning (Sat) by local resident Kevin Knight, whose home in Cerne Abbas, Dorset, overlooks the hill. The 43-year-old car sales executive Tweeted on Saturday:
One resident spotted the change in the morning (Picture: SWNS)

The National Trust said: ‘While we understand the public’s ongoing concern about coronavirus, we don’t encourage the defacing of the Cerne Abbas Giant.

‘Any such action may damage this fragile site, whether by someone physically attaching something to him or giving the impression of having done so, as this may encourage others.

‘The giant is protected as both a Scheduled Ancient Monument and as part of a Site of Special Scientific Interest because of its important chalk grassland which supports wild flowers, butterflies and other wildlife.’

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