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Scientists may have found mutated coronavirus sub-type which lasts 49 days


People could be going around with 'chronic cases' for much longer than expected.

Researchers claim they might have discovered a mutated coronavirus sub-type after 'finding a patient who was infectious for a record period of 49 DAYS'
Doctors injected the patient with the blood of a Covid-19 survivor for him to recover (Picture: AP)

Researchers from China claim to have discovered a new type of Covid-19 after a patient was left infectious for an unprecedented 49 days.

They say the middle aged man who had it needed to be injected with the blood of a coronavirus survivor in order to recover, suggesting the new strain is much harder for the body to fight off. His symptoms were mild and scientists say his body had struck a ‘dynamic balance’ with the bug.

A study on the case was published on March 27 on the medRxiv site for medical papers and is yet to be scrutinised or peer reviewed by other scientists. Covid-19 swab tests showed that for 49 days, the unnamed Chinese patient had been ‘shedding’ meaning the bug was being carried in his breath through droplets.

The average for coronavirus shedding is thought to be 20 days with the longest case recorded at 37 days. As symptoms, scientists warn ‘chronic cases’ like the one documented last week show how long someone could spread the disease without being treated.

In this March 17, 2020 photo released by China's Xinhua News Agency, medical workers use a bronchoscope to treat a coronavirus patient at the Huoshenshan field hospital in Wuhan in central China's Hubei Province. Last month, Wuhan was overwhelmed with thousands of new cases of coronavirus each day. But in a dramatic development that underscores just how much the outbreak has pivoted toward Europe and the United States, Chinese authorities said Thursday that the city and its surrounding province had no new cases to report. The virus causes only mild or moderate symptoms, such as fever and cough, for most people, but severe illness is more likely in the elderly and people with existing health problems. (Wang Yuguo/Xinhua via AP)
It is feared more people could be living with ‘chronic cases’ of coronavirus (Picture: AP)
Residents get their temperature checked in Wuhan in central China's Wuhan province on Wednesday, April 1, 2020. Skepticism about China???s reported coronavirus cases and deaths has swirled throughout the crisis, fueled by official efforts to quash bad news in the early days and a general distrust of the government. In any country, getting a complete picture of the infections amid the fog of war is virtually impossible. (AP Photo/Ng Han Guan)
Residents get their temperature checked in Wuhan in central China’s Wuhan province (Picture: AP)

The unnamed Chinese patient went to hospital in Wuhan for tests on February 8 after suffering from an intermittent fever for a week but had no other symptoms associated with Covid-19, such as a cough.

He also had some infection lesions on his lungs which went away not long after being taken in for medical treatment.

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The patient had a high Covid-19 viral load but his immune cell indicators remained stable. Researchers from the Army Medical University in Chongqing said: ‘The virus and the host may even form a symbiotic relationship,’

Using blood-based therapy used in China and experimentally in the UK and US, doctors pumped the patient with plasma from someone who had recovered from Covid-19 and had developed antibodies to the disease.

According to reports, an elderly relative had also tested positive for the disease and recovered faster than most people of her age. Researchers said this too points towards a milder sub-type of SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19).

They suggest it is not as toxic and less infectious but is much harder to eliminate. Ir has already been suggested that could be two main sub-types of the novel coronavirus.

Around 70% of cases would be caused by the L type, which spreads more easily than the S type.

Researcher Dr Li Tan said: ‘We cannot exclude an original new subtype that was not identified.’

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