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Coronavirus UK: How much can the police fine people for not observing the Covid-19 lockdown rules?

Coronavirus UK: How much can the police fine people for not observing the Covid-19 lockdown rules?

People have already been fined.

A police patrol stops to speak to a cyclist in Richmond Park, in Richmond upon Thames, southwest London, as the UK continues in lockdown
Caption: A police patrol stops to speak to a cyclist in Richmond Park amid lockdown (Picture: Kirsty O’Connor/PA Wire)

We are now over a week into the nationwide lockdown implemented by Boris Johnson in an effort to contain the spread of coronavirus.

The lockdown stipulates that people should remain two metres away from anyone not in their household, and only leave their homes for one bit of exercise a day, to get food or medicine, to get medical care or to go to work.

Those who break these lockdown rules could find themselves saddled with a fine, as some people in the country have already found.

How much can the police fine people for disobeying lockdown rules?

People who flout the lockdown rules could end up saddled with a £60 fine and potentially another for £120 for a second offense, with the penalty doubling for additional breaches.

Home Secretary Priti Patel said these regulations were intended to ‘protect the public and keep people safe’.

The cost of initial fixed penalty notices will be cut to £30 if the fines are paid up within two weeks but those who do not pay could be taken to court and risk facing unlimited fines.

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On Wednesday, a woman, Marie Dinou, was arrested at a train station and fined £850 for failing to justify her reasons for essential travel.

The total fine was comprised of £650 fine for failing to comply with requirements imposed under the Coronavirus Act 2020, as well as an £85 fine for ticket fraud and £80 in costs.

Assistant Chief Constable Sean O’Callaghan said on the subject: ‘While a ticket offence had also been committed in this case, enforcement of any sort under the new regulations really is a last resort, especially arrest.

‘In this case, officers tried their utmost best to engage with Dinou. I can assure you we would much rather not have to take such action.’

A group of young men are spoken to by Kent Police officers before being dispersed from a children's play are the day after Prime Minister Boris Johnson put the UK in lockdown
Police have been dispersing gatherings since the lockdown began (Picture: Gareth Fuller/PA Wire)

Meanwhile a man, Steven Mackie, has been fined £500 for failing to obey lockdown rules.

He told officers: ‘I can do what I want’ before he was driven home by them. While in the vehicle, prosecutor Neil Smart said Mackie began kicking and punching the inside of the van.

He then returned to the Tesco where he was initially picked up and was subsequently arrested, with the court later hearing that he refused to keep two metres away from other shoppers.

He ended up pleading guilty to one count of failing to maintain public health and causing public disorder and nuisance – for which there is an unlimited fine under the Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) Regulations 2020.

When the Prime Minister announced the new lockdown measures to the nation last week, he said: ‘You should not meet friends or relatives who do not live in your home. You may only leave your home for very limited purposes, such as buying food and medicine, exercising once a day and seeking medical attention.

‘You can travel to and from work but should work from home if you can. When you do have to leave your home, you should ensure, wherever possible, that you are two metres apart from anyone outside of your household.

‘These rules must be observed. So, if people break the rules, the police will issue fines and disperse gatherings.’

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