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Thugs smash up doctor’s car leaving him unable to reach coronavirus patients


Dr Abdul Farooq's vehicle was targeted after he did a gruelling Friday night shift.

Thugs smash junior doctor's car with bricks Dr Abdul Farooq
Dr Abdul Farooq has been left with no car after vandals broke into his (Picture: JustGiving/Facebook/Abdul Farooq)

A junior doctor who is putting his life on the line to care for coronavirus patients was forced to cancel his shift when thugs smashed up his car.

Dr Abdul Farooq, who works at New Cross Hospital in Wolverhampton, parked his Ford Fusion close to his house after a shift on Friday night.

After spending the weekend in lockdown at his home in Walsall, he left for work on Monday morning, but was horrified to find his car windows smashed with bricks.

The medic could not get to the hospital to attend to his patients – some of whom are suffering from Covid-19 – and had to cancel his shift and wait for his car to be towed.

METROGRAB Thugs smash junior doctor's car with bricks Dr Abdul Farooq was devastated when he set off for work only to find yobs had smashed his car windows with bricks. The medic, who works at New Cross Hospital in Wolverhampton, had parked his Ford Fusion close to his home after his gruelling Friday night shift.
The vehicle was badly damaged (Picture: JustGiving)
METROGRAB Thugs smash junior doctor's car with bricks Dr Abdul Farooq was devastated when he set off for work only to find yobs had smashed his car windows with bricks. The medic, who works at New Cross Hospital in Wolverhampton, had parked his Ford Fusion close to his home after his gruelling Friday night shift.
The medic was forced to wait for his car to be towed (Picture: JustGiving)
METROGRAB Thugs smash junior doctor's car with bricks Dr Abdul Farooq was devastated when he set off for work only to find yobs had smashed his car windows with bricks. The medic, who works at New Cross Hospital in Wolverhampton, had parked his Ford Fusion close to his home after his gruelling Friday night shift.
His car was smashed in after he did a gruelling Friday night shift at the hospital (Picture: Facebook)

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He told The Mirror: ‘When I saw the car, all I could think about was how I would get to work. If it happened any other day I would have just got it fixed but with everything that is going on with the coronavirus, I just kept thinking, I need to get to work.’

Dr Farooq got an Uber to work the following day after the company announced it was offering free rides to all NHS staff.

However, he has been trying to organise a courtesy car while his vehicle is repaired, while dealing with the pressure of being on the front line in the UK’s battle against the pandemic.

He said: ‘I am currently working on the surgical wards where many of my patients have covid-19. It was initially worrying for us, because of the unknown.

‘I am coming to the end of my first year as a junior doctor so I know how things work but I feel for the graduates coming straight out of med school, who are being thrown into a war zone.’

The medic reported the incident to police but says they told him that due to the time span, they ‘did not have the resources to conduct a CCTV trawl as this would not be proportionate’.

An email from West Midlands Police asked him to find CCTV footage to identify the offender himself and hand it in to officers.

METROGRAB Thugs smash junior doctor's car with bricks Dr Abdul Farooq was devastated when he set off for work only to find yobs had smashed his car windows with bricks. The medic, who works at New Cross Hospital in Wolverhampton, had parked his Ford Fusion close to his home after his gruelling Friday night shift.
Dr Farooq says hospitals at the moment are like being in a ‘war zone’ (Picture: JustGiving)
METROGRAB Thugs smash junior doctor's car with bricks Dr Abdul Farooq was devastated when he set off for work only to find yobs had smashed his car windows with bricks. The medic, who works at New Cross Hospital in Wolverhampton, had parked his Ford Fusion close to his home after his gruelling Friday night shift.
A crowdfunding appeal has been started to get him a new vehicle (Picture: JustGiving)

However, he says the community centre that he parked his car in front of is currently closed and is concerned that the video may be written over by the time it reopens.

A spokesman for West Midlands Police said they received a report of a car having its windows smashed in Small Street, Caldmore, sometime between 5.30pm on 27 March and 7.30am on 30 March.

He added: ‘We’ve asked if there are any CCTV possibilities which could be shared with us to identify whoever was responsible.

‘Any crime is unacceptable but the allocation of investigators to a scene is assessed on what is proportionate given the severity, vulnerability and likelihood of catching those involved.”

Anyone with information can get in touch via Live Chat, quoting crime reference number 20WS/79343K/20.

A JustGiving fundraiser has been set up to buy Dr Abdul Farooq a new car.

Get in touch with our news team by emailing us at webnews@metro.co.uk.

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