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Joe Biden Allows Abortion Pill Sales by Mail Nationwide, Killing More Babies and Injuring More Women


Joe Biden has quickly become the most pro-abortion president in American history.

In another in a long, long list of actions Biden has taken to promote killing babies in abortions, Biden has authorized sales of the dangerous abortion pill nationwide. In addition to killing hundreds of thousands of unborn children, the abortion pill has killed at least two dozen women and injured tens of thousands of women across the country.

The Biden administration today  moved to weaken longstanding federal safety regulations against mail-order abortion drugs designed to protect women from serious health risks and potential abuse. The Biden administration policy allows for dangerous at-home, do-it-yourself abortions without necessary medical oversight, making it easier to purchase the abortion pill by mail and in pharmacies.

The abortion pill is a  (RU-486 or Mifeprex), is a two-drug regimen taken up to 10 weeks (or later) into pregnancy and causes the death of the unborn child. The first drug blocks the natural hormone progesterone, starving the developing baby to death, while the second drug induces labor to expel the baby from the womb.

Although abortion activists say abortion is between a woman and her doctor, the Biden admin today remove any requirement for a woman to see her doctor before getting the abortion pill.

Biden’s pro-abortion move was immediately panned by pro-life advocates.

Tara Sander Lee, Ph.D., senior fellow and director of life sciences at Charlotte Lozier Institute, confirmed that the abortion drug is dangerous for women.

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“Large-scale, peer-reviewed studies show chemical abortion is at least four times riskier for women than surgical abortion. Complications can include severe bleeding, infection, the need for surgical intervention, and in some instances even death. Taking abortion drugs during an undiagnosed ectopic pregnancy, for example, can be fatal. No video chat, possibly from hundreds or even thousands of miles away, can replace in-person evaluation by a doctor. That is patient abandonment and an egregious example of playing politics with women’s health and safety,” she explained to LifeNews.

Susan B. Anthony List State Policy Director Sue Liebel told LifeNews:

“The Biden administration’s reckless move puts countless women and unborn children in danger. Abortion activists’ longtime wish has been to turn every post office and pharmacy into an abortion center. They promote abortion drugs as easy, painless and private.  Science says otherwise. Women who take chemical abortion pills are significantly more at risk of serious complications and more likely to require a visit to the emergency room. Some women even die. Already-exhausted ER doctors and nurses will be forced to ‘clean up after’ an abortion industry that puts profits before safety and won’t regulate itself – all to please Biden’s radical base and pay back political allies.

“We thank pro-life leaders at both the state and federal level for fighting to enact commonsense safeguards into law. Legislators nationwide should act urgently to protect vulnerable women and children.”

A new study earlier this year confirmed the abortion drug is hurting more women than the FDA is reporting, since the FDA stopped collecting data on adverse effects of the drug.

The study found “glaring deficiencies” that suggest many complications are not being reported. “Deaths and Severe Adverse Events after the use of Mifepristone as an Abortifacient from September 2000 to February 2019” was published in Issues in Law & Medicine in January.

The researchers concluded that deregulating the abortion drug could cause more harm to mothers as well as their unborn babies, and current reporting requirements for the drug are insufficient.

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“Significant morbidity and mortality have occurred” after women take the abortion drug, they wrote, noting the high risk connected with an undetected ectopic pregnancy.

“A pro-abortion ultrasound should be required to rule out ectopic pregnancy and confirm gestational age,” the study states. “The FDA [complications reporting] system is inadequate and significantly underestimates the adverse events from mifepristone.”

Live Action News reports more:

Abortion pill clients experiencing a complication are more likely to receive care from an emergency center than the abortion facility where they obtained the pills, according to an analysis of adverse events reports (AERs) submitted to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) by abortion pill manufacturer Danco.

[For the study], a team of over 30 board certified physicians spent three years reviewing thousands of pages of AERs and discovered glaring deficiencies in reporting on abortion pill complications and deaths. They also found that more than 60% of the surgeries due to abortion pill complications were not handled by the abortion facility, increasing the potential for large amounts of underreported complications.

According to the study, fewer than half of the women who suffered complications went back to the abortion facility for treatment; many went to the emergency room instead.

The most common complications included a failed abortion, an incomplete abortion (meaning part of the unborn baby or placenta remained in the womb), infection and a missed ectopic pregnancy, according to the research.

Of the 3,197 complication reports that they examined, the researchers found 20 deaths, 529 life-threatening complications, 1,957 severe, 151 moderate and three mild complications. An additional 537 had insufficient information to determine the severity of the woman’s complications.

Almost 500 complications were women who remained pregnant. Of those, 102 chose to keep their babies while 148 chose to have second abortions; however, the outcome of 201 others remains unknown, according to the report.

“Some of the patient deaths were not known to the abortion provider until they saw the death in an obituary or were contacted by an outside source,” the researchers wrote. “Because of this, in addition to abortion providers, hospitals, emergency departments, and private practitioners should be required to report [complications].”

The problem is only getting worse. Starting in 2016, under the Obama administration, the FDA stopped requiring Danco to report non-fatal abortion complications to the government, according to the report.

“[T]he analysis of the [complication reports] revealed glaring deficiencies… Throughout the reports, there was also a lack of detail and many patients who were simply ‘lost to follow-up,’” the researchers wrote.

The American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists is urging the FDA to strengthen reporting requirements so that women can know the risks of the abortion drug. Some of its members participated in the study.

England de-regulated the abortion drug during the pandemic last year and saw disastrous consequences. There have been numerous reports of health and safety problems, including two women who died after taking the drugs. In another case, authorities are investigating how a woman who was 28-weeks pregnant received the abortion drugs in the mail and used them to abort her viable, late-term unborn baby.

In the United States, mifepristone has been linked to at least 24 women’s deaths and 4,000 serious complications. Risks of mifepristone and misoprostol, the most common abortion drugs taken together to abort and then expel an unborn baby from the womb, include excessive bleeding, severe abdominal pain, infection and hemorrhage.

A 2009 study “Immediate Complications After Medical Compared With Surgical Termination of Pregnancy,” in Obstetrics and Gynecology found a complication rate of approximately 20 percent for the abortion drugs compared to 5.6 percent for surgical abortions. Hemorrhages and incomplete abortions were among the most common complications.

Ohio, Oklahoma, Montana, Indiana, Arkansas, Arizona and Texas have enacted state-level safeguards against mail-order abortion drugs. At least seven additional states are likely to enact protections in the new year.

The post Joe Biden Allows Abortion Pill Sales by Mail Nationwide, Killing More Babies and Injuring More Women appeared first on LifeNews.com.


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