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The history of Bluffton: The underwater ghost town in the Texas Hill Country


AUSTIN (KXAN) — What happened to the town of Bluffton, Texas, and why is it called an underwater ghost town?

Bluffton was originally located near the western shore of Lake Buchanan. That's 12 miles northeast of Llano in northeast Llano County, the Texas State Historical Association (TSHA) said on its website.

Bluffton first originated in 1852 when a man named Billy Davis settled near the Colorado River, according to the TSHA. I.B. Maxwell, Davis' relative, came to the settlement in 1853. Maxwell then named the settlement Bluffton after his hometown of Bluffton, Arkansas.

By 1883, there was a post office, a blacksmith shop, a cotton gin, a hotel, saloons and more, according to TSHA. However, an alleged fire destroyed the town, and Bluffton had to move and rebuild half a mile north.

Aerial photo of Buchanan Dam construction and workers' camp in 1932 (Courtesy Lower Colorado River Authority)

Then, the construction of Buchanan Dam was implemented in April 1931, 10 miles northwest of Burnet, according to the TSHA. The dam was not completed until 1938, which led to the creation of Lake Buchanan.

Visitors at Buchanan Dam walkway (Courtesy Lower Colorado River Authority)

The creation of the lake flooded the townsite of Bluffton, leading to the underwater ghost town.

The town moved again five miles west, according to the TSHA.

Is Bluffton still around?

Latest information from the TSHA said the relocation of State Highway 29, between Burnet and Llano, further isolated Bluffton due to the new Lake Buchanan.

By 1986, the economy of Bluffton had a post office and a store. According to the TSHA, the population was reported at 75 residents in 2000.

Buchanan Dam and Lake Buchanan

The Buchanan Dam, owned by the Lower Colorado River Authority, stretches for more than two miles and is "considered the longest multiple-arch dam in the nation," according to the LRCA.

Buchanan Dam "is a multiple concrete arch and gravity structure measuring 11,200 feet long and 145 feet high," according to the TSHA.

The dam was named after U.S. Rep J.P. Buchanan. He helped secure the funding to complete the project, according to the LCRA.

The flooding first began during the Buchanan Dam construction in 1936. Then, the "Flood of 1938" happened, creating Lake Buchanan, according to the LCRA.

According to the TSHA, Lake Buchanan is "the largest of Texas lakes," which measures 31 miles long and is five miles across.

What is Lake Buchanan's water level at?

The conservation capacity of Lake Buchanan is 822,207 acre-feet, which has stayed consistent within the last year, according to Water Data for Texas.

KXAN Chief Meteorologist Nick Bannin looked into the data from the LCRA and saw the lake was 19 feet (986.13 feet) below current levels in 2014 from where it is now.

What other reservoirs in Texas have flooded towns?

Lake Buchanan is not the only lake to flood out old towns. According to an article from Texas Highways, there are three other lakes in Texas that have towns underwater.

Those lakes are listed below, as provided by Texas Highways:

  • Toledo Bend in Hemphill, Texas
  • Falcon Lake In Zapata, Texas
  • Amistad Reservoir in Val Verde County, Texas near Del Rio


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