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Hello Little Girl


Hello little girlHello little girlHello little girl When I see you everydayI say, «Mm mm hello little girl»When you’re passing on your wayI say, «Mm mm hello little girl»When I see you passing byI cry, «Mm mm hello little girl»When I try to catch your eyeI cry, «Mm mm hello little girl» I send you […]

Hello, Goodbye


(Lennon/McCartney) You say yes, I say noYou say stop and I say go go go, oh noYou say goodbye and I say helloHello helloI don’t know why you say goodbye, I say helloHello helloI don’t know why you say goodbye, I say hello I say high, you say lowYou say why and I say I […]

Happiness Is A Warm Gun


(Lennon/McCartney) She’s not a girl who misses muchDo do do do do do do do, oh yeahShe’s well acquainted with the touch of the velvet handLike a lizard on a window paneThe man in the crowd with the multicoloured mirrorsOn his hobnail bootsLying with his eyes while his hands are busyWorking overtimeA soap impression of […]

Have A Banana!


Brian Matthew: Is that it? Is that the end?Paul: Yeah, yeah, that’s it.John: Fade, fade!Brian: Good track. Oh, well, we’ll stop there, stop there, stop there.John: What an end!Brian: Quiet! All right, George.John: Fade! Brian: Hold it!George: Oh, thank you.John: Fade, you silly.Brian: Well, we did. We did that. Oh, no! No! We’ve done that […]

Hallelujah, I Love Her So


Let me tell you about a girl I knowShe’s my baby and I love her soEvery morning when the sun comes upShe brings me coffee in my favorite cupThat’s why I know, yes I knowHallelujah I just love her so When I call her on the telephoneShe says, «Baby, I’m all alone»By the time I […]

Good Night


(Lennon/McCartney) Now it’s time to say good nightGood night, sleep tightNow the sun turns out his lightGood night, sleep tightDream sweet dreams for me (Dream sweet)Dream sweet dreams for you Close your eyes and I’ll close mineGood night, sleep tightNow the moon begins to shineGood night, sleep tightDream sweet dreams for me (Dream sweet)Dream sweet […]

Got To Get You Into My Life


(Lennon/McCartney) I was alone, I took a rideI didn’t know what I would find thereAnother road where maybe I could see another kind of mind there Ooh, then I suddenly see youOoh, did I tell you I need youEvery single day of my life You didn’t run, you didn’t lieYou knew I wanted just to […]

Good Morning, Good Morning


(Lennon/McCartney) Good morning, good morningGood morning, good morningGood morning ah Nothing to do to save his life call his wife inNothing to say but what a day how’s your boy beenNothing to do it’s up to youI’ve got nothing to say but it’s OK Good morning, good morningGood morning ah Going to work don’t want […]

Glass Onion


( J. Lennon, P. McCartney )I told you ’bout Strawberry Fields,You know the place where nothing is real,Well, here’s another place you can go,Where ev’rything flows,Looking through the bent backed tulipsTo see how the other half live,Looking through the glass onion. I told you ’bout the Walrus and me, man, You know that we’re as […]

Good Day Sunshine


( J. Lennon, P. McCartney )Good day sunshine,Good day sunshine,Good day sunshine. I need to laugh and when the sun is outI’ve got something I can blab about,I feel good in a special way.I’m in love and it’s a sunny day. Good day sunshine,Good day sunshine,Good day sunshine. We take a walk the sun is […]

Спорт в России и мире

Псковские наставники из «Кванториума» заняли первое место на на чемпионате педагогических компетенций


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Анна Калинская

Анна Калинская снялась для обложки журнала Harper’s Bazaar и попросила не спрашивать её о романе с Янником Синнером


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Экология в России и мире

Аномальная жара нагрянет в январе: синоптики сообщают о сюрпризах, которые ожидаются в середине зимы

Путин в России и мире

Путин: Москва готова дать ответ на обострение ситуации международными оппонентами

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

В Германии прокомментировали угрозы Зеленского о новых ударах по России

Навальный в России и мире

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