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Former Bluewater beauty consultant admits thefts from John Lewis, M&S and Boots at Greenhithe shopping centre


A former beauty consultant will probably never be able to work in a department store again after going out on a shoplifting spree.

Rasa Cmeliauskaite told magistrates she had made “the biggest mistake of her life” by stealing more than £600 of cosmetics and perfume from stores at Bluewater where she used to work.

Rasa Cmeliauskaite told magistrates that shoplifting at Bluewater was the biggest mistake of her life

The 36-year-old stole from four shops over two days in March, including John Lewis, Boots and Marks and Spencer.

Cmeliauskaite, of Raydon Gardens, Dagenham, admitted four counts of shoplifting when she appeared at Medway Magistrates’ Court on October 10.

The court heard how on March 27 she went into Boots at the Greenhithe shopping centre and stole £117 of fragrance and then went to John Lewis to steal more perfume and chocolate valued at £126.

Then on March 30 she went into M&S and pocketed a £20 bra and left without paying.

That day, she also went to Boots where she took more fragrance and cosmetic products valued at £432.

But that was when she was caught in the act and her shoplifting spree came to an end.

Rasa Cmeliauskaite admitted four shoplifting offences when she appeared before magistrates in Medway

Debbie Jones, prosecuting, said: “It was about 9am on March 30 and she selected some make-up items valued at £432 and went into the toilets but was followed by security.

“She was held in a room and had dumped the items in the toilet.”

The prosecutor also told magistrates Cmeliauskaite had been identified via CCTV as being responsible for committing the other theft offences and that the other goods she swiped had not been recovered.

Ms Jones added: “She made full admissions (in interview) and said she’s worked in retail for years but no longer had a job.

“She said she got away with it on March 27 so she went back on March 30. She said she was embarrassed and ashamed.”

Rasa Cmeliauskaite stole from four shops at Bluewater. Stock picture

Magistrates also heard Cmeliauskaite had been offered a caution over the matters by police if she repaid the £694 the goods were worth, despite the £432 of goods she stole from Boots being recovered.

However, they were also told because she was now unemployed, she could not afford to pay the amount.

The prosecutor added: “The fragrances were resellable as the items had been recovered but the caution had required her to pay the full amount.

“But I would ask for the other amounts, £117, £126 and £20 in compensation for the other shops she stole from as the other items were not recovered. She has a previous conviction, but it’s dissimilar.”

Defending herself, Cmeliauskaite told the court she could not explain her behaviour.

Rasa Cmeliauskaite stole more than £600 of goods from shops at Bluewater

She added: “I was jobless. I went to see a friend at Bluewater. I used to work in the beauty industry in shops and now I can’t work (because of these crimes) and it’s the biggest mistake of my life.

“I can’t explain my behaviour. I worked at Bluewater for seven years and now I can’t be a beauty consultant.”

Magistrates asked Cmeliauskaite if she had been able to find any other work.

She replied: “I work for an agency in stores when they are closed to fill them with merchandise and I earn £25k a year.”

Magistrates decided to place her on a 12-month conditional discharge but ordered she pay £117 compensation to Boots, £20 to M&S and £116 to John Lewis.

Cmeliauskaite promised to pay in full what she owed the court within 28 days.


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