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Speak On It, Bebe

Bebe Rexha has been making pop music since 2008. That's nearly two decades of what I can only imagine to be a lot of trauma—especially working with G-Eazy. Sadly, a breaking point is inevitable and if her latest tweets are any indication, it looks like Rexha's nearing hers. On Tuesday, the singer-songwriter behind some of your favorite pop records signed onto Twitter and let it rip. “I could bring down a BIG chunk of this industry. I AM frustrated. I Have been UNDERMINED,” Rexha ranted. “I’ve been so quiet for the longest time. I haven’t seen the signs even though people constantly are bringing them up and they have been SO OBVIOUS." Sadly, Rexha didn't name names, nor did she elaborate on any one specific instance of injustice. But she's been pretty vocal in the past. In 2015, after she wasn't credited for her vocals on the chorus of the David Guetta and Nicki Minaj smash, "Hey Mama," she told Billboard: "What ended up happening was that it looked like a lot of names on the title, so they wanted to keep as many low features as possible. That’s what I was told, and it makes sense to me. I guess more than two [featured] names don’t look good on the radio.” More recently, Rexha called out her former collaborator, G-Eazy, after his team asked her to shoot social content with him—presumably, for clout. From the sounds of her response, their working relationship seems to have soured since their single, "Me, Myself, And I." “@g_eazy you have my number,” Rexha wrote on Instagram. “Why don’t you text me and ask me yourself you stuck up ungrateful loser. You’re lucky people are liking you again. Cause I could go in on all the shitty things you’ve done and how you treated me after giving you your only real hit. Btw the answer is no. Hope you good.” Since her initial tweet, she went on to reply rather pointedly to a number of tweets from fans. When one user asked what was stopping her from specifying who in the industry has hurt her, Rexha tweeted: “THEY PUNISH YOU. And after another fan wondered what had happened Rexha replied: “You haven’t even heard 5 percent. You have NO IDEA.” Others were more skeptical, however. “Doing this during promoting a new single ‘I’m The Drama’ is perfect timing–marketing or not!” one user tweeted. Rexha,  however, wasn't having it. “Marketing? I have no budget for that. IM FED UP,” she replied. "This is not just coming from a place of anger. It’s sadness," she clarified in a later post. "I’m sitting in my hotel room in London Crying my eyes out. I’ve felt hopeless for the longest time. I’ve been walking a lot through this city and meeting fans and they have really ignited something inside of me." I'm glad she's felt the support of fans (myself, included) during this time. Even still, it's a real bummer to see someone as gifted as Rexha—a singer-songwriter credited on a bulk of chart-topping music throughout this last decade alone—struggle to vocalize the harm the industry has wrought on her out of fear of retribution. I understand it's a risk but I hope one day she'll be able to speak on it.


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