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Arizona Lawmaker Who Shared Abortion Plans on Senate Floor Had to Endure State-Mandated Counseling 


Earlier this month, Arizona state Sen. Eva Burch (D) learned eight weeks into her pregnancy that her embryo wasn't developing, and her choices were between an abortion or waiting for another miscarriage.  “I don’t think people should have to justify their abortions," Burch said in remarks on the Senate floor on March 20. "But I’m choosing to talk about why I made this decision because I want us to be able to have meaningful conversations about the reality of how the work that we do in this body impacts people in the real world.” Despite Burch knowing what was best for her and the right course of action for her nonviable pregnancy, the state of Arizona did not make the decision easy for her. In an interview with Jezebel Burch, a mother of two, said she chose to share her deeply personal experience, putting herself at risk of anti-abortion harassment, to shine a light on an everyday experience even in a state that doesn’t have a total abortion ban. On the Senate floor, Burch recounted her history of fertility struggles including numerous miscarriages and an abortion for a nonviable pregnancy two weeks before the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in 2022. She told her colleagues she didn't want to go through another miscarriage. “I don’t know how many of you have been unfortunate enough to experience a miscarriage before, but I am not interested in going through it unnecessarily. Right now, the safest and most appropriate treatment for me—and the treatment that I choose—is abortion,” Burch said. “But the laws this legislature has passed have interfered with my ability to do that.”  But state law in Arizona, where abortion is legal through about 15 weeks of pregnancy, requires people seeking abortion care to receive state-directed counseling from their abortion provider. Abortion providers are required to tell them (among other things) that they have the option to parent or to put their child up for adoption. Of course, Burch did not have those options: Her pregnancy wasn’t viable. But she still had to sit through this politically charged, state-mandated guidance anyway. “From where I sat, the only reason I had to hear those things was a cruel and really uninformed attempt by outside forces to shame and coerce and frighten me into making a different decision other than the one that I knew was right for me,” Burch said in her speech. “There’s no one-size-fits-all script for people seeking abortion care, and the legislature doesn’t have any right to assign one.” https://twitter.com/A_DLCC/status/1769838751432270039 Burch and other Arizona Democrats have been trying to repeal this mandatory counseling abortion law for years now but are unable to advance their bills out of committee thanks to the Republicans’ majority. Burch introduced SB 1531 earlier this year to repeal the waiting period and other onerous restrictions. Speaking to Jezebel on Monday, Burch called the mandatory counseling she received “misguided and factually inaccurate at best,” but “in my case, hurtful, because I was mourning the loss of my pregnancy in that moment.” Burch emphasized that the counseling that abortion providers are required to offer isn’t written by medical experts but by anti-abortion “extremists” with a political agenda to stigmatize the health service and pressure someone out of making a personal medical decision. “They are also required to talk about the probable fetal anatomical properties at the time of the abortion procedure, which again, in my case was inaccurate since my embryo was dying and was not subject to the properties of a healthy, developing pregnancy,” Burch explained. Pregnancy and pregnancy loss are personal and emotionally charged…


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