«The Times of India» (indiatimes.com)

Новости за 19.09.2024

Amreli court sentences five to life for raping minor

«The Times of India» (indiatimes.com) 

An Amreli court has sentenced five men to life imprisonment for raping a minor girl. They were also ordered to pay Rs 4 lakh in compensation. The crime took place between April and June 2019, involving abduction, repeated rape, and impregnation of the 14-year-old victim. Acts were recorded on mobile phones by the accused.

Музыкальные новости

Роспотребнадзор поможет мурманчанам вернуть деньги за билеты на концерты Басты и Zivert

Персональные новости

FT: Meta уволила 24 сотрудника за злоупотребление выплатами на питание

Karnataka mutt seers resolve to raise voice against 'love jihad', religious conversions

«The Times of India» (indiatimes.com) 

Seers from various mutts in Karnataka have called for unity among the Hindu community against Love Jihad and religious conversions. They emphasized the need for awareness and action, criticizing the government for failing to protect Hindu rituals and celebrations. The seers also demanded administrative protocol status and tax exemptions for pontiffs' vehicles.

Udupi woman dies after being hit by two-wheeler

«The Times of India» (indiatimes.com) 

A pedestrian named Gulabi died after being hit by a speeding motorcycle while crossing the road in Hiliyana village. The incident occurred around 8:40 PM when she was returning from the Bhandasale Bhadrakali Temple. Despite being rushed to Brahmavar Community Health Centre, she was declared dead en route. A case has been registered.

Conductor injured in crash between two buses in Karnataka's Kundapur

«The Times of India» (indiatimes.com) 

A bus conductor named Shivaprasad was injured in an accident involving two private buses near Hemmadi Junction in Kundapur. The incident occurred when one bus stopped to drop off passengers and another bus, allegedly speeding, stopped recklessly in front of it. Shivaprasad got caught between the two buses and was taken to a hospital for treatment.

Push for 100% coverage of Gruha Lakshmi: Pushpa

«The Times of India» (indiatimes.com) 

Pushpa Amarnath, vice-chairperson of the Karnataka State Guarantee Implementation Authority, directed officials in Dakshina Kannada to contact eligible beneficiaries of the Gruha Lakshmi scheme who have not yet received benefits. The district has achieved 92% of its target, with ongoing efforts to resolve technical issues and ensure all eligible women receive assistance.

Peace is theme for World Tourism Day

«The Times of India» (indiatimes.com) 

The department of tourism plans to celebrate World Tourism Day on Sept 27 under the theme 'Peace and Tourism.' Events include a grand procession from Mysuru Palace to Highway Circle featuring various performances. Social welfare minister HC Mahadevappa will launch a new tourism website. An Instagram reel competition is also organized, with awards announced on Oct 5.

IIT BHU assistant professor honored as INAE Young Associate for 2024

«The Times of India» (indiatimes.com) 

Obbattu Sai Lakshmi Bhavana, an Assistant Professor at IIT (BHU), has been selected as an INAE Young Associate for 2024. This recognition is given to young engineers who have shown exceptional achievements and potential in engineering. The selected associates will be invited to the INAE Annual Convention in December for formal induction.

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