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Trent Alexander-Arnold says Jurgen Klopp has "transformed" Liverpool - and picks out the character trait he admires most in his manager

Trent Alexander-Arnold says Jurgen Klopp has

Liverpool right-back Trent Alexander-Arnold has praised Jurgen Klopp's "passion" for football and winning.The Reds are enjoying a sensational season in the Premier League, having won 24 of their first 25 fixtures in 2019/20.Klopp's side are also through to the fifth round of the FA Cup and the last 16 of the Champions League, a competition they won last season.It is now only a matter of time before Liverpool get their hands on the league title for the first time in 30 years.And Alexander-Arnold credits Klopp for masterminding the incredible campaign currently unfolding at Anfield.“It’s massive," he said of Klopp's influence in an interview with Liverpool's official matchday programme.“He gives us all a lot of freedom so it’s very much the case that the players play to their strengths and are able to do that in different ways in the systems that we play. I think it’s important that the team buys into that and the manager obviously understands what we need to do to win games.“He’s been like that for the time he’s been here, so he’s transformed the club in an amazing way and going forward there’ll hopefully be a lot more success with him.“You can see on the touchline and in his interviews after and before the games, he’s so passionate about the game and passionate about winning. We see it every day in training and it’s important for us that he gives us those messages.“He’s not only just helping us win, he’s giving us the mentality to be able to overcome any circumstance during a game.”Liverpool are currently on a 42-game unbeaten run in the Premier League, and have Arsenal's all-time record of 49 undefeated matches in their sights.But Alexander-Arnold agrees with Klopp's consistent message that the Reds are not thinking about making history.“That’s how we need to think and that’s the way we need to be,” he added.“That’s the message that the manager drills into us on a daily basis: that nothing’s over yet, there’s still a long way to go.“We’re just over halfway through the season so it’s important for us to keep our heads, keep focused and keep our mentality the same. That’s what’s been working for us, so nothing should change.”READ MOREThis Premier League winter break isn't about player welfare. So why do we have it?Premier League table – by expected goals: why everything you thought about this season is wrongAndy Mitten column: “I’ll never give up the dream of playing for Man United” – can Kieran O’Hara provide competition at Old Trafford?


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