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Gary Neville sticking by pre-season title prediction as he fires yet another swipe at Liverpool


Gary Neville couldn’t help but take a little dig at Liverpool as he reiterated his pre-season prediction that Arsenal will win the 2024/25 Premier League.

A run of one point from a possible nine for the Gunners has seen them drop to fifth in the table, seven points behind the first-placed Reds.

Mikel Arteta’s side are at risk of seeing any hopes of a prolonged title challenge evaporate before the midway point of the campaign, although the ex-Manchester United defender still feels that the north Londoners could pounce upon LFC’s weaknesses and usurp them at the top.

Neville takes Liverpool swipe as he sticks by Arsenal

Speaking on Sky Sports on Sunday as he reflected on the weekend’s results, Neville said of Arsenal: “They’ve had some tough games. Going to Newcastle is tough, but Arsenal at this moment – there are big questions being asked but I don’t rule them out of winning the title. I’ve still got them winning the title.

“This might be what they need. I might look stupid and people will play this back in months going, ‘What the hell were you talking about?'”

He added: “I feel most connected to a title face and I think what does a team need. Man City aren’t quite right, Liverpool aren’t perfect and sometimes you need this serious blip.

“It has been a poor start, but they could go on a run, get their players back and be very dangerous. Hit your form in March, April and May – that’s when you really want to be flying.”

(Photo by Stu Forster/Getty Images)

Neville’s predictions are looking foolish

It’s still early in the season, of course, but right now Liverpool look better equipped for a prolonged Premier League title challenge than Arsenal.

Both teams found themselves trailing at half-time in their respective matches on Saturday after tame performances, but whereas the Gunners went down to Newcastle with a whimper, the Reds rallied to come from behind and beat a very good Brighton team.

It feels as if Neville can’t bring himself to acknowledge that Arne Slot’s men are in with a real shout this term, based on how they’ve seamlessly kept going from the Jurgen Klopp era. The pundit’s pre-season prediction that we’d miss out on a top-four finish to his beloved Man United seems laughable now!

Yes, there’s a long way to go, but for now Arsenal will be looking on enviously at how Liverpool have overcome a few big injury absences to keep on churning out results even when not firing on all cylinders, in contrast to how Arteta’s team have floundered of late in similar circumstances.

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