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‘It literally added $1,000-2,000 to my insurance payout’: Geico customer shares secret to big savings after a car accident


Totaling your car will always be a total headache. However, one Geico customer discovered a life hack that could potentially save you thousands if you find yourself in this unwelcome predicament.

In a viral video with over 156,000 views and more than 17,500 likes, TikTok user Alexa (@alexavicktoria) explained how saving receipts can help drivers save thousands in the event of an accident.

"PSA: SAVE YOUR CAR MAINTENANCE RECORDS. It will pay off big time," text overlaid on the clip reads.

What's the maintenance record hack all about?

According to the TikToker, saving information about when your car was serviced can result in big savings.

In the clip, Alexa explains that after her car was totaled last year, she gave Geico "years worth" of maintenance records.

"It literally added one to two thousand dollars to my insurance payout," she says.

Why do car maintenance records matter?

When a car is totaled, insurance companies calculate its cash value before paying out a claim.

This number is referred to as the "actual cash value" or ACV.

The ACV is calculated based on multiple factors, including the car's make and model, mileage, and overall condition.

The zip code where it's primarily driven is also factored in, as cars driven in different climates or road conditions experience different types of wear and tear.

As Alexa points out in the TikTok, whether the car was in good condition and frequently serviced also plays a role in determining its value.

She acknowledged that, while many may not think to save such records, "It will come in so handy if you ever total your car. So. Life hack."

Commenters weigh in

In the comments section, many explained how they keep track of their car maintenance records.

"Easiest thing you can do, create a file in your email 'car maintenance' email yourself all those receipts. Boom, digital file!" one user advised.

"True my car got totaled tears ago and I showed I just had put new tires on it.. they reimbursed me my tires," another chimed in.

However, some claim they ran into issues with their insurance companies.

"USAA told me LOL we don’t cover maintenance costs just cause it’s totaled. Despite 4k in tires breaks rotors spark plugs etc," one wrote.

"Man that’s s*****! My experience was with Geico so maybe they’re the one to go with," Alexa responded to one comment.

@alexavicktoria SERIOUSLY you are gonna be so glad you saved your maintenace records if your car ever gets totaled. Idc if its an oil change or a part replacement, FILE THEM ALL AWAY. I am so passionate about this lmao. anything to increase that insurance payout ???? #carhacks #totaledcar #insurancetips #carinsurancetips #lifehackstiktok #20sadvice #20somethingsoftiktok #adultinghacks #adultingproblems #adultingishard ♬ original sound - alexa????️✨????

The Daily Dot reached out to Geico and USAA via email and Alexa by TikTok comment and direct message for comment.

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The post ‘It literally added $1,000-2,000 to my insurance payout’: Geico customer shares secret to big savings after a car accident appeared first on The Daily Dot.


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