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Jill Biden mocked over post-debate praise for her husband’s ability to ‘answer every question’


Jill Biden's praise for president answering every debate question mocked

President Joe Biden is being mocked online after his wife, Jill Biden, praised him for being able to answer "every question" at Thursday evening's presidential debate against former President Donald Trump.

Following the match-up, which was seen by many as an embarrassment for Biden due to numerous fumbles, Jill gave her husband praise for seemingly doing the bare minimum.

"Joe, you did such a great job," Jill said. "You answered every question. You knew all the facts."


Jill's compliment, however, was seen by many online as condescending and resulted in comparisons between Biden and a child.

One user argued that Jill sounded as if she was "congratulating a toddler on his finger painting."


"Guess who ate ALL his vegetables," another joked.


"Jill Biden is like those moms who tell their kids they are great sings and allow them to embarrass themselves in front of the entire nation on Idols," the user @Politicman said.


Many simply argued that a president receiving praise for being able to answer questions highlighted just how far the country had fallen.

"I don’t like Biden but I’m not even saying this to be mean we should not be holding a presidential candidate to a bar an elementary student could clear," the user @LizzMurr56 added. "Answering every question is the bare minimum for someone running for president while also doing it well which Biden didn’t do."


Jill's comment came after numerous embarrassments for the president that began even before the debate itself.

Hours before taking the stage, Biden advertised a can of water on his X account that he jokingly claimed was performance-enhancing. Users begged Biden to pull down his post after the debate finished due to his numerous mistakes, including one in which the president bragged that he had "finally beat Medicare."

Ultimately, many Americans on social media appeared to fret over both candidates, expressing disdain over their only two choices.

Biden and Trump are set to debate for a second time in September, although it remains unclear how much of an appetite Americans have for more national embarrassment from the two candidates.

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