The Daily Dot

‘It works!!!’: Customer’s Apple Card declines after placing $8 Chipotle mobile order—she still gets her food


A TikTok user with their credit card linked to their Apple Card believes they have found a hack for free Chipotle after they placed an order that was ultimately declined.

Despite the transaction not going through on their Apple card, the customer's food arrived anyway through the mobile order.

Mai (@theweeklymai) shows a screenshot of her phone screen detailing how her $7.67 Apple Card transaction for Chipotle Mexican Grill was declined. However, another notification from the Chipotle app 10 minutes later reads, "Good news! your order is ready head to the drive-up window. Your order is in 1 bag(s)."

Her video went viral, racking up over 398,000 views as of Friday, and is set to the sound of a man proudly stating, "A win is a win."

@theweeklymai It be like that #chipotle #greenscreen #lol #skit #lol #random #applecard #apple #chipotle #declined #carddeclineanifestation #fyp #viral #wtf ♬ A WIN IS A WIN - Clifford Taylor IV

Apparently, Apple Cards aren't the only payment methods that have resulted in a similar type of get-free-food scheme for customers, judging by some of the comments left by viewers.

One person remarked, "I use to use my cash app card and it would decline everytime but I’d still get my food."

Some said they also use another form of mobile order trickery to nab themselves some free grub, with a user sharing, "I place an order and cancel but then place another order.. get two orders for the price of 1 or cancel both and get two free."

Apparently, other restaurant folks have been running this game, too.

"The McDonald’s app did that to me it told me that my order can not be placed so the refund me and I got a full meal," a user shared.

"This happened to me with carls jr," another wrote.

However, one user didn't think that Mai should've been flexing the state of her finances with a smile on her face. "How do you post not having $8 without being embarrassed," they asked.

This isn't the only mobile order scam customers are using in order to get themselves free grub. One Redditor posted to the site's r/doordash sub stating that some DoorDash customers place orders at restaurants that are close to them with $0 tips to try and dissuade Dashers from picking them up.

They then wait outside of the restaurant for the food to be made, walk inside pretending to be a DoorDash driver, and then pick up the meal themselves.

"By the time an actual driver comes to get the food and asks for it, the food is long gone and impossible to complete the order," a user wrote. "So much time will go by and eventually door dash refunds the customer because they can't get a driver to complete the order."

The Daily Dot has reached out to Mai via TikTok comment.

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The post ‘It works!!!’: Customer’s Apple Card declines after placing $8 Chipotle mobile order—she still gets her food appeared first on The Daily Dot.


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