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Alcaraz's personal highlights provide Wimbledon blueprint


pa href='https://www.atptour.com/en/players/carlos-alcaraz/a0e2/overview'Carlos Alcaraz/a proved a quick study on grass courts last season, when he won both Queen's Club and a href='https://www.atptour.com/en/tournaments/wimbledon/540/overview'Wimbledon/a. As he was learning to adapt his game to the lawns, he watched videos of a href='https://www.atptour.com/en/players/roger-federer/f324/overview'Roger Federer/a, a href='https://www.atptour.com/en/players/andy-murray/mc10/overview'Andy Murray/a, a href='https://www.atptour.com/en/players/novak-djokovic/d643/overview'Novak Djokovic/a and a href='https://www.atptour.com/en/players/rafael-nadal/n409/overview'Rafael Nadal/a to analyse their play on the surface./p

pThe 21-year-old is still watching footage of those legends this year, but he now has another player to learn from: himself. /p

p"I put in videos of myself last year, I'm not going to lie," he said with a smile. "Just to see what I did or how I did it. Just moving, hitting shots, to do the same as I did last year."/p


pIn terms of success on grass courts and in Grand Slams, there are few players in the history of the game who can match or exceed Alcaraz's early return of three major titles. Fewer still have been able to complete the rare Roland Garros-a href='https://www.atptour.com/en/tournaments/wimbledon/540/overview'Wimbledon/a double in the same season, a feat Alcaraz can accomplish this fortnight./p

p"Winning Grand Slams is difficult. Obviously changing from clay to a grass court, totally different surfaces, totally different game of play," he said when asked about his opportunity. "Let's say I'm going to try. Obviously I want to put my name on that short list to win a href='https://www.atptour.com/en/tournaments/roland-garros/520/overview'Roland Garros/a and a href='https://www.atptour.com/en/tournaments/wimbledon/540/overview'Wimbledon/a in the same year. I know that's going to be a really difficult and big challenge for me, but I think I'm ready to do it./p

p"I'm doing a great work these last weeks just to get ready, just to feel comfortable to play a href='https://www.atptour.com/en/tournaments/wimbledon/540/overview'Wimbledon/a here in my 100 per cent."/p

blockquote class="twitter-tweet"

p lang="en" dir="ltr"❤️???? a href="https://twitter.com/a href='https://www.atptour.com/en/tournaments/wimbledon/540/overview'Wimbledon/a?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw"@Wimbledon/a br /

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???? Getty a href="https://t.co/4ZdGAMcpkU"pic.twitter.com/4ZdGAMcpkU/a/p

mdash; a href='https://www.atptour.com/en/players/carlos-alcaraz/a0e2/overview'Carlos Alcaraz/a (@carlosalcaraz) a href="https://twitter.com/carlosalcaraz/status/1806409549626134705?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw"June 27, 2024/a/blockquote

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pAlcaraz entered a href='https://www.atptour.com/en/tournaments/wimbledon/540/overview'Wimbledon/a with more momentum last year after winning the Queen's title. He said his grass-court game began to click in the later rounds of the ATP 500, but he could not progress beyond the second round this year. An early defeat to a href='https://www.atptour.com/en/players/jack-draper/d0co/overview'Jack Draper/a meant Alcaraz would have only two grass matches under his belt before a href='https://www.atptour.com/en/tournaments/wimbledon/540/overview'Wimbledon/a. Still, his confidence is unwavering./p

p"I'm feeling great. Honestly, after Queen's, I had a lot of days to adapt my game, to practise, to get better," he explained. "I remember after losing in Queen's, the next day I started practising my movement, my shots, just to be more comfortable moving on grass, playing on grass this year.br /

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"Right now I had great practices with great players just to see how is my level. Right now I think I'm ready to start the tournament."/p

pAlcaraz will face a href='https://www.atptour.com/en/players/mark-lajal/l0gh/overview'Mark Lajal/a on Monday in the traditional opening day match for the defending champion on Centre Court./p



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